Chapter 17 - Tell me when you're sober

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"So, now that you're here Eric we can have some fun!" Rachel walked into the kitchen.

"Fun?" I asked.

"Yeah, you know get drunk and stuff!" She and Rose began taking out plastic cups.

"Ah, yes, totally, I've been drunk before, it was great!"

What am I saying? I've never been drunk from human alcohol, in fact, I can't get drunk even if I tried, gods can't get drunk it just doesn't affect us at all unless it is an alcoholic drink made especially for gods.

"That's the spirit!" They began pouring some clear liquid into each cup.

"I'm not really up for this so I'm just goi—" Dylan began but was cut off by Rose.

"No way! Are you chickening out on us? Oh. My. God."

"Really dude? Is it because you're embarrassed to show Eric who you are when you're drunk?" Rachel asked with a smirk.

"No, it has nothing to do with him, I'm just, uh, I—" he began looking for words.

"Why? Is he a lightweight drinker?" I asked with curiosity.

"No!" "Yes." They both answered differently.

"Well then prove it," I handed him a cup.

"FINE!" He chugged the cup stopping a few times to cough from the burn.

"Well, you proved me wrong," I said ruffling his hair.

"Yeah I did," he blushed.

Poor guy still has to wait a couple of minutes for it to hit, but I'm not gonna say anything.

"Well, I was going to make this fun, but Eric had to go and make Dylan drink his portion so I guess we all have to chug it too," Rachel drank hers and so did Rose.

I did too because it would be unfair.

I finished without any struggle while they stopped and coughed a couple of times. This went on for a few more rounds.

"You really have had a lot of experience with this haven't you Eric?" Rachel asked me.

I'm guessing she noticed that I wasn't showing the slightest hint of being at least tipsy or drunk.

"Yeah, I guess."

I looked over to Dylan who seemed to be zoning out.

"So Dylan, are you up for another round?" I teased.

He blushed, "What are you trying to say? That I can't handle it or something?"

"Nah, I'm just making sure you're up for it," I poured more of the clear liquid into each cup pouring a little more into his just to fuck with him.

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