Chapter 4 - The meet

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I was walking home from work when I noticed a man with a messy blonde quiff wearing a pink and white bartender-like suit, following a woman as he wore a mischievous smile on his face.

I, of course, a good person, had to confront him and ask him what he thought he was doing. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. After I did that, I immediately began regretting that decision...I know this sounds bad, but I should've just let him stalk the lady.

"Yes?" He innocently asked after turning to face me.

"I—uh, um, I noticed that you were following that lady and I thought that I should tell you that if you don't leave her alone, I'll call the cops on you," I said slowly losing confidence.

I noticed that he was just staring at nothing and was about to say something when he tightly grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty alley.

"Hey! What was that for!?" I asked rubbing my arm trying to soothe the pain.

"You can see me?!" The idiot asked.

"Well duh, I have a pair of eyes you idiot," I stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

He then began mumbling to himself, " ...So this kid can see me...I specifically remember making sure I had made myself invisible to humankind...What's going on..."

Does he really think he can call me a kid and get away with it!?!? Oh hell no.

"Excuse me? Did you just call me a kid?! I am not a kid I am 18 years old! Would you like it if I called you a psychopath? You probably would because you are a crazy man!" I shouted, cutting him off.

I was going to continue when he suddenly covered my mouth, "Shut the fuck up you brat, can't you see that people will think you're the crazy one talking to yourself in an alley?"

What is this man's deal?! What drugs did he get his hands on?!

I pried his hand off of my mouth, "What are you talking about?! I am talking to you!"

He then spoke again, "You are so annoying, I swear to god, where do you live? We need to get out of here so I can explain, I can't say anything here or else you'll really freak and then people will really call the police."

I was not about to tell this freak my address.

"The only person who needs to call the police is me! I am not taking a complete stranger home, let alone one who was stalking some lady!" I pulled out my phone and began dialing 911 when he yanked the phone out of my hands.

"Well, honey if you wanted my attention that bad, you should've just asked. And you're not getting this..." he held my phone up, "...little thing back until you take me to your house."

I felt myself flush a deep red. "I don't want your attention! And give me my phone back!" I reached for my phone but I ended up tripping on my own two feet. I couldn't keep my balance and ended up falling on top of the stranger.

Our faces were so close, I noticed his eyes were a turquoise shade, he was actually attractive. My face felt even hotter than before. I quickly got up and stuck my hand out, the least I could do is help the crazy guy out. He took my hand so I helped him up but I just couldn't look at him, I was too embarrassed.

"Awww, what? Embarrassed that you were so close to me? Is my lovely developing a little crush?" He teased.

I swear to god I would have punched him square in the face but I didn't because he was a psychopath and god knows what he had in the pockets of his pants.

"Shut up, are we going to my place or not?" I asked trying to change to topic. I still blushing against my will.

God, I hate this guy.

"Alright, alright, I'll be quiet." He said as a smirk made its way to his face.

What am I thinking inviting him over to my house?! I hardly know the guy! Am I the crazy one?!

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