Chapter 43 - Memories

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I woke up at home ready for another day, ready to break and make hearts like always.

"Good morning Eros," Melody appeared by the doorway.

"Morning Melody," I casually said.

"So, how are you doing?" she asked again as she's been doing for a while now.

"Good? Why would I be feeling any different?" I looked at her with confusion written all over my face.

"No reason...just...checking if it was still true..." she mumbled sadly.

"If what was true?"

"Nothing, breakfast is ready and Linda doesn't want you to miss it," she left without another word.


Things have felt off lately, but it hasn't ruined my day, I was in Las Vegas today shooting people with arrows when all of a sudden some sort of vision popped up in my head for a second.

"...if you're the 'god of love' then why haven't you made me fall in love?"..."Why?"

I snapped out of it and shook my head as a way to get it together.

I've been having dreams of this boy, I can't see his face, I only see his body and hear his words...I feel like he is important...but who is he and why does my heart race every time he pops up in my head?


After a long day of working, I went back home and quickly fell asleep ready to get this day over with.


"...Downtown...LA...he's there...waiting...wake up...remember..."


"...they never liked me, or I guess in reality I never liked them."

"...most of my childhood was spent at doctor's offices or the offices of shrinks...They all thought it had to do with something tragic..."

"...One day when I was in eleventh grade, I came home from school to see all my possessions packed and my so-called parents with an envelope at the door...told me to leave since it seemed like I wasn't even their child..."

"...I may not have had the emotion to love but I still had the emotion to feel sad...I was angry, angry at the world, angry at my parents...angry at myself..."


"Okay then, what is your name handsome?"

"My name is Dy—"


I woke up with a gasp, I wasn't breathing properly and I was drenched in sweat.

That dream was different...I was in it this time...and the kid almost said his name...but I know where he is...Is this all just a bad dream...or is it real? It feels real...I feel it...I can feel my heart telling me to listen...I need to now.



It's been a month...I've died or at least that's what it feels like.

I cried my eyes out the day I realized he wasn't coming back, he didn't even leave me a cheesy note. He just vanished as if I were a joke. I didn't think that short guy was telling the truth...but then again everyone has done me wrong before so why was this a surprise?

I'm here breathing air, but it feels like I'm breathing in shards of glass that tear my lungs up every time I take in a breath. I haven't really done much, I haven't contacted anyone and no one has contacted me. Rachel and Rose can't help me since they went on vacation before all this crap happened and I don't want to burden them with my problems either. I live without the energy of wanting to live. Shockingly, I'm still alive I've skipped many meals and I feel like shit. I barely even know who I am anymore. It's like I am the old me, but I don't want to be the old me! The old me was lonely and a mess, the old me lived because I was alive not because I wanted to be alive.



I teleported to the location my dream told me to go to.

I recognized this place.

The streets.

The buildings.

I know them.

My heart knows one in particular. I ran without knowing where I was going, but once my feet reached their destination I knew it was the right place. The place I missed, yet didn't know why.



"Sir, Eros has found the human again, he has made it to the human's home," a god helper advised me.

"Well, Eros is love, and love always finds a way, it's fate, he is fate."


"Sir, it seems Eros has found the human again, shall we interfere?" Isidore informed me.

"No, no, we've done enough, plus there's a catch," I laughed wickedly.

"May I know what this catch is?" Isidore asked.

"Fine, but only because I trust you. Here's a riddle:
Hopefully, he manages to make Cupid his,
For all it will take is true loves kiss,
To awaken the memories yours truly hid,
This Dylan needs to be one smart kid!" I smiled mischievously.



I was lying in bed when I heard a noise near my front door.

Burglars? I'll just go check, plus being shot by one will put me out of my misery.

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