Chapter 80 - Marry Me?

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It's been weeks since the whole proposal incident and Cupid hasn't tried that stunt again after hearing me out which I'm glad about since that means he actually listened to my reasoning.

I know it's been a while since he proposed, but that's all I've been thinking about since. He is ready to tie the knot so quickly, what does that mean though? He does realize that I'm human and still young right? I'm not saying I don't want to marry him, I do, it's just that isn't it too early? Was he sad about me rejecting him? He looked sad. I love him so much though. Was it a mistake to not accept his proposal? What if he is so sad that he finds someone else?! Oh god, now I'm just worrying myself about stupid shit!

"Dylan," Cupid returned from his shower wearing only a towel around his waist exposing his upper body.

I mean at this point I've seen all of him, but his build never ceases to amaze me, how the hell did I reject his proposal?! Wait, no, be rational here Dylan, marriage is a big step and one has to make sure it is the right one too, not saying it's not, it probably is, bu

"Hello? Earth to Dylan?" I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't realized Cupid was right in front of me, I could smell his fruity body wash.

"H—Hey," I looked him in the eyes, flustered.

My thoughts are so embarrassing...

"Hi," he grinned knowing I was spacing out, "Anyway, I was trying to tell you that my mother wants me to see her again and she wants me to bring you, I guess she wants a remake of what happened last time."

"She wants to see us? Again?" I repeated his words.

"That's what I said, this weekend on Saturday, which means in two days," he explained.

"Okay then, we'll go, I'd like to talk to her and be sober this time."

"Now that you said that, remind me to taste your drinks before you drink them, I don't want her to spike your drink again, it was total chaos last time," he walked over to the closet and grabbed some clothes he stored in there.

Did I mention that he started putting his clothes in the closet? He's been adding his own touches to this apartment, is this a sign? Are we basically already living as a married couple at this point?

"Oh, also, since we haven't gone anywhere nice lately, I reserved a table at a restaurant for tomorrow," he finished changing, threw himself onto the bed, and let out a sigh.

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