Chapter 96 - Birthday Surprise

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I woke up early. So early that the sun hadn't come out yet. It was probably 2 or 3 am and the world was quiet. I yawned and turned towards Cupid who seemed to have woken up due to my movements. He yawned as well and pulled me to his chest hugging me tightly.

"Get more rest, we have a busy day today filled with celebration," he drowsily spoke kissing my forehead.

I suddenly remembered that today was October 18th, my birthday. I was turning 24 and though I was immortal, I felt kind of old.

Time sure feels like just yesterday I was 19...or maybe that's just because I barely age physically, I don't know.

The last couple of years had been nice. Things have been going smoothly. My birthdays were more lively and I'm guessing this birthday will also be the same.

I sighed and nuzzled into Cupid's chest drifting off into a deep sleep.

I'm 24, huh...


***CUPID'S POV ***

I woke up to the morning light that found its way through the cracks of the window's curtains.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked over at Dylan who was snuggled up to me in a deep sleep.

Today's the day. He's turning 24 and I'll make sure this is a birthday he'll never forget.

I'm supposed to take him out today until 1 pm while the others set up decorations in the apartment. We decided to give him a surprise birthday party this time since it was a special birthday. His birthdays are usually spent doing normal fun things with our friends since he doesn't really want anything big, but this time we aren't having it. We want to at least give him one birthday he'll never forget.

These past few years have been bliss with him. Yeah, we've had our ups and downs but it's finally become steady and comfortable.

He stirred awake and yawned.

"Good morning handsome," I grinned.

"That should line..." he mumbled seeming to make himself comfortable in my arms and attempting to fall asleep again.

"No, no, no," I tried to pull him away. "It's your birthday today, we can't just lay in bed all day."

He frowned and fought back, "Why not? I don't want to wake up," he whined and buried his face in my chest.

These past few years he's gotten bold. He's still shy about some things but he's overall gotten comfortable with showing his affection.

"Dylan," I called running my fingers through his hair.

He hummed in response.

"It's time to wake up, I was hoping we could go out and have breakfast," I sighed, "but I guess you rather skip that and go back to sleep." I wrapped my arms around him but he pushed me away.

"Fine, let's go," he blushed a bit, looking away.

"Hey, by the way," I put my hand on the side of his face and he looked into my eyes, "Happy Birthday." I gently kissed him on the lips.

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