Chapter 94 - On The Run

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"Open the door or we'll force it open ourselves!"

Shit, it's the law, fuck. I can't be seen with her or things might get even worse. I also don't want Dylan to be seen with her, or he'll get caught up in this too.

"What do we do?!" Molly whispered.

"Let's all go to the back of the shop," Andrea quietly made her way to the back as we followed.


"Okay, we need to act fast, Molly get me the ingredients to make teleportation possible," Andrea ordered.

"Wait, making that is going to take a while," Molly shook her head clearly stressed.

"If it's teleportation we need, then I can do it, everyone hold hands and focus on getting out of here," I said, grabbing on to Dylan and Molly's hand. "Andrea, do you want me to teleport us to the apartment or somewhere else."

"No, if we go to the apartment, and they find me, they'll take me away, and I'd have to close business, do you have anywhere else we could go?" Her eyes were full of fear, it was the first time I saw that look on her face.

"I do, now focus."

We all closed our eyes and thought about getting out of here.

The sound of the shop being broken into rang through our ears.


We teleported to the mansion and it was a rough landing. I ended up bumping into a small table that was holding a vase and though I tried hard to prevent it from falling, it slipped out of my grasp and shattered.

I guess it's not easy teleporting more than two people...

"Fuck!" I hissed.

That's when I realized that Melody was sitting on the couch talking to none other than Alecus.

"What the hell?" I was disturbed.

She does realize that that bastard tried to kill Dylan right?!

Dylan elbowed me probably because it seemed rude. After all, we did leave when she dragged him out of the shed so we have no idea what happened after that.

"Molly let's get to work, I've brought some of the items from the shop in hopes of making a potion that can conceal the detection of our powers," Andrea dragged Molly away knowing things were about to get bad.


Andrea and Molly left and Cupid brought his attention back to the scene in front of us.

I really don't want him to start anything. It seems as though Melody and Alecus are surprisingly getting along as siblings.

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