Chapter 5 - I'm Cupid

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The walk to the kid's house was short. He lived in a small, but not too small apartment. It was kind of annoying because we had to walk up the stairs to get to the 3rd floor! I asked why I couldn't just use the elevator like a normal person and meet him up there but he said if I did that, he wouldn't let me in. I then asked why he didn't use the elevator but he wouldn't answer me.

What an ass.

He opened the door to reveal a tidy living room. He had a bookshelf, a couch, a TV, a table in the center of the room, and a computer area in the far corner. I couldn't see the other rooms but I knew that they would probably be as basic as this one.

"Are you going to come in or just stand there?" The kid asked in a sassy tone.

I walked in and began thinking about how I was going to explain myself. I was thinking for half a minute before he opened his mouth again.

"Do you want water or something?" He asked going into what I assumed was the kitchen.

"Uh, sure," I said as I went back to thinking.

After a while, he came back with two glasses, one with water and one with iced tea. He handed me the glass of water.

"Hey, no fair! You get iced tea while I drink plain old water? Haven't your parents ever taught you how to treat a guest?" I whined, offended that he didn't offer me iced tea.

"I asked if you wanted water or something and you just said sure, so it's your fault that you are drinking water."

I sighed.

He drank from his glass and set it down.

No one ever tells me that I can't get something. I always get what I want, and what I want is iced tea.

I put my glass down, took his, and drank it all in one go while looking at him straight in the eyes.

That's right bitch, if you don't give me what I want, I'll take it myself.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! In what world is it okay to take someone's drink and drink it?!" He was furious and honestly, I was scared he was going to hurt me.

"Calm down honey, I was just very thirsty and clearly you weren't going to help me with that so I had to help myself," I winked, took the other glass, and drank it as well.

He clenched his fist, "I really want to punch you right now, but I won't because I am a good person," he unclenched his fist and took in a deep breath.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop being a pain in the ass. Anyway, let me explain myself for my actions earlier. You see, I am not crazy or a psychopath or whatever you think I am, I am Cupid and all I was trying to do is give that lady a romance that would make her explode with happiness," I was hoping he would actually believe me since I've never had to explain myself before nor have I ever met a human who could see me while I was supposed to be invisible to humankind.

"You...are an idiot if you think I believed that."

This kid just won't stop being a brat, will he?

"Of course you don't," I sighed.

"I'll believe you if you can prove it," He smirked.

Okay. This should be easy.

"Okay, I will. You better know what you are getting yourself into," I moved my hands creating an arrow.

"Wait, you really think I will fall in love with you?!" He laughed.

This idiot laughed at me...

I aimed the arrow and shot it right at his heart.

Let's see if he can resist me now.

"So, how are you feeling kid?" I asked looking straight into his eyes, smirking.

"I feel the same you dingus."

What!? He was supposed to say he couldn't resist me! He was supposed to be all over me! What is going on today!?

I grabbed him by the hand, walked him down the stairs, and straight outside.

"You better believe me after this you little brat." I created another arrow and aimed it at a lady outside a flower shop. I made another then aimed it at a guy passing by her. They both looked at each other and started talking, after a bit of small talk they both left hand in hand.

Those were new, I've never played with those! And they are leaving happily. I'm pissed off, I don't usually hit both people with arrows, I like to make one work for the other person to love them! But I had to do it for the sake of this brat.

He looked surprised, "Well, I guess you are Cupid. But that still gives you no right to follow a lady around!"

"What?" Just then, a thought crossed my mind, "Then would it be better if I followed you around?" I grinned.

"What? No! Give me my phone and get out of my life!" He crossed his arms and looked away.

I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me, "Now that I think about it, I've never played with you, you're new and you're special. You belong to me," I was leaning in to kiss him, but before I could, he kneed me in the stomach, took his phone out of my pocket, and left.

Why does it have to be that brat? Why is it that idiot who makes my heart beat so fast? Whatever, I can make him love me. I always get what I want.

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