Chapter 87 - I Remember You

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I was angrily walking towards the other opening of the alleyway pulling the collar of my shirt back up on my shoulder and adjusting my sweater.

"Oh, come on, Dylan! Don't be so upset!" Cupid chased after me.

"What the fuck do you mean by that?! I have every reason to be upset! If I hadn't managed to stop you, you probably would have tried to go all the way!" I yelled.

He caught up to me and stopped me, "Don't act like you weren't feeling it too, you were basically breathless."

"Yeah, no shit! You kept making out with me, I kept telling you to stop and you only stopped until I slapped you," I crossed my arms.

"Okay, yes, I totally deserved that, I'm sorry, it's just that you're so enticing and I can't control myself around you," by this point he had his hands on my shoulders leaning in real close.

"Alright, just back up a bit, we came here to look around and have a good time, didn't we?" I reminded him.

"You're right, We did, let's go then," he grabbed my hand but I pulled away.

"You've lost hand-holding privileges for now," I turned away and huffed.


"Ha! I knew that if I looked long enough I'd find you, you bastard!"

We both turned to see who spoke. It was some guy, he flew down and stood in an obnoxious 'it's your sworn enemy' pose. He had short brown hair and he looked somewhat familiar, like I'd seen his face before.

"Alecus, now's not a good time to be annoying, it's been years, enough with this unnecessary one-sided feud," Cupid sighed.

"Fuck you, Eros, I play by my own rules!" The guy, Alecus, shouted.

Ugh, another troublesome person.

"Seriously man, stop being a nuisance."

"A nuisance huh? Well, I hope you enjoy this punch!" He rushed to Cupid and attempted to punch him but failed.

"Maybe you should do the action first before declaring that you're going to do it," Cupid rolled his eyes.

He suddenly grabbed Cupid and shoved him against the wall, the impact was so rough that it left a dent, but I'm guessing that was some kind of god strength.

Cupid managed to push him off and land a few punches on his face, but then Alecus punched him back harder causing Cupid to fall back. This pissed me off.

"Hey, what the hell is your problem dumbass?! Didn't you hear him? He told you to fuck off!" I yelled at him aggressively which surprised him but his facial expression quickly changed.

He scoffed and shoved me not using his full strength as if he knew I couldn't handle it, "Stay out of this Curls, this is between me and him."

Cupid quickly stood up and guarded me, "Don't you dare touch him again you fucking prick or else!"

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