Chapter 36 - I am too...

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Cupid joined us soon after.

"So, do you want water or something?" I politely asked Angelina.

"Sure," she said fixing her dress.

"What about you Edward? Want anything?" I said with a hint of salt.

"It's ERIC and I'll get it myself, I don't want a two-faced snake touching my drink," he glared.

"Fine by me!"

With that, we both walked angrily towards the kitchen leaving Angelina confused on the couch probably since I told her Cupid and I are best friends.


I grabbed two glasses from the cupboard closing it right when Cupid was about to reach over for a glass himself.

"I see how it is you little shit," he muttered.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you because apparently, you're too scared to say it to my face," I sassed placing both glasses on the counter.

I felt him walk behind me.

"Are you sure you want me to do that because I'm pretty sure you'd blush and not take me seriously since you seem to get shy every time I'm this close to you," he whispered in my ear making me blush.

I turned to face him, which was a mistake because we were pretty close to each other.

I will not let him be right!

"That's n—not true..." I slowly began to lose confidence in myself.

"Then why are you stuttering?" He got closer to my face making our noses touch.

"...I—I...I'm...not..." I looked away a blushing mess.

He grabbed my chin and made me face him.

"Why do you have to be so fucking adorable Dylan?" He whispered before leaning in to kiss me.

Just as his lips were about to reach mine Angelina walked in making us freeze.

"Hey, what's taking so lo—oh...OH, um, I'll come back some other time since you guys seem busy..." She walked away quickly.

I rushed to follow after her.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry Angelina! I know you wanted to have an actual conversation with me and I went and messed it up, " I shamefully apologized.

"Relax, I can come back another time, plus it seems like you kinda want to be alone with your boyfriend," she winked and I blushed.

She left before I could deny it.

"Yeah Dylan, you seem to want to be alone with me right now," he laughed.

"Shut up," I walked past him and into the kitchen.

"So, you want to start where we left off I see," he smirked.

"And what if I said yeah?" I joked.

Cupid blushed.

"Is that an invitation?" He reminded me of a dog who was just told it was going for a walk.

"D—Don't get your hopes up I was only joking," I turned away to put the cups back.

"Come on Dylan, we never get to have a moment alone!" He whined.


"Please!" He begged.



So how the fuck did we end up on my bed making out?

***A couple of minutes earlier ***

"Please?" He hugged me from behind.

"N—No," I got out of his hug.

"Why?" He had a disappointed look on his face.

Why the fuck is he cute? He is definitely not going to be like this if I say yes.

I didn't respond I just looked away.

He walked up closer to me making me blush.

"See you're blushing again, it's really hard for me to resist you know? Can I just kiss you once?" He begged.

"...Whatever..." I said still blushing.

He wasted no time in accepting the invitation pulling me forward to connect our lips.

Somehow we ended up in my bed, but it was probably Cupid who teleported us there.

***present time***

By now the kiss was getting really heated and I was afraid he was going to try something else other than kissing.

He parted, "Don't get so tense Dylan, I'm not going to try anything without your permission," he reassured.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Wait did you actually think I would do something so horrible?!" He gasped.

"" I said unsure of what the right response would be.

He laughed.

"I still can't believe you're the one I'm in love with," He hugged me catching me off guard.

He's being really nice right now...

"Cupid?" I said a little confused.

"I'm sorry for doing that all of a sudden I just..." he grabbed my hand looking down at it "...I'm just so in love with you," he looked into my eyes, blood rushed to his face making it look pink.

His eyes were visibly full of emotions, I had never seen such a beautiful thing, they had so much life in them.

Before I knew it I was kissing him passionately.

"I—I...I'm in love with you too..." I said once I pulled away.

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