Chapter 85 - Mount Olympus

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The light coming in from the window woke me up. I was on the couch and Cupid was hugging me.

This goddamn bastard lied to me...

"That's not very nice, I could've sworn you were the one begging for more in the end," Cupid suddenly spoke.

"That's not true!"

At least I don't think it is...

"Oh it is, you were like 'please Cupid, just—'"

I covered his mouth, "Okay, okay!" My face burned.

The memories are flooding back, I mean we didn't do anything other than make out, but still.

"Don't forget though, you were the one who wanted to do more than make out, you're lucky I held back and convinced you that you wouldn't be happy about it in the morning," Cupid once again read my thoughts and responded.

I grabbed a pillow and shoved it in his face, "I'm going to go shower."

"Love you too dear!" He shouted as I left.


"Okay, here are the two main rules, we stay together at all times and we don't make any deals with anyone," Cupid explained before we teleported.

We ended up in a place that looked like a busy city. There were many businesses and restaurants surrounding us along with a lot of people or in this case beings. The biggest and most important-looking building was this skyscraper that had this familiar feeling.

"How about we get away from this building, I'm sure they will find something to blame on me if we stay here any longer," Cupid grabbed my hand and dragged me away from it.

"What is that place anyway?" I asked.

"Do you remember when you ended up in that room with Mushroom?"

"Yeah, is that the place?!" I wondered out loud.

"Yes, that is the main building in Mount Olympus, everything important goes on in there and that is where you can find the God Council. But enough about the boring stuff, let's go to the fun side of this place!" A smile overtook his face.


The 'fun side' of town looked way different than the business side of town. This place had more places that sold unnecessary things, there were arcades, ice cream shops, bars, and much more. It was similar to cities in the human world.

"Oh! Let's go here, I'm sure you'll find it interesting," Cupid pointed at a shop called 'Po-shh-ions.'

When we entered, the name of the place made sense, it was some sort of potion shop.

There was a gasp.

"No fucking way! Eros?!" A girl behind the counter made her way towards us. "How the hell have you been? Dude, it's been ages!" She punched him on the arm.

"Oh, hey Molly, I've been living in the human world so I don't come around here anymore," He shrugged.

"So it's like that, huh? Anyway, who's this kid?" She circled around me looking me up and down then stopping in front of me. "Seems like he's human."

"H—Hi, I'm Dylan," I awkwardly introduced myself.

"Molly, potion master and current owner of this shop," she stuck her hand out for me to shake.

I shook it.

"He's my boyfriend, I came to show him around since he was curious," Cupid ruffled my hair.

"Oooh, boyfriend," Molly cooed, "so you've become serious now?"

"Yes, very serious, I will make him my husband," he stupidly declared.

"Husband?!" I was as red as blood.

I know we talked about it but still.

"Then might I offer you this lovely, limited time only, Steamy Romance potion?" She held out a glass vial filled with a purple liquid, "Not only does it spice up the bedroom but it also has this muscle rela—"

"No, it's okay, he's embarrassed now," Cupid cut her off knowing I didn't have the guts to make her stop.

"Oh, it's okay Dylan!" She put a hand on my shoulder, "Sex is a normal and natural thing many enjoy, might as well make it even more enjoyable, am I right?" She jokingly elbowed me.

I was mortified.

Nope, I'm done, this is being deliberately done...

"I like him Eros, he's funny! I'm glad you've finally settled down and with a keeper too, by the way, I have a favor to ask, would you mind letting me have one of your arrows?" She changed the subject.

"Why?" He suspiciously asked.

"Well, you see, I wanted to make a love potion but I need one of your arrows to get the job done."

"No way Molly, you know it's against the rules for me to use my arrows for something other than making others fall in love," he declined.

Man, there are so many rules for him.

"What if I..." she whispered the rest of her sentence to Cupid.

What are they talking about?

"So? What do you think? Plus, your arrow would still be getting used to make others fall in love, just in a different way," she looked at him with pleading eyes.

He thought for a second, "...fine."

What?! How did she convince him? What did she say?

"Alright hand me the arrow and the deal is sealed," she gave a wicked grin.

He summoned an arrow, handed it to her, and she made her way to the back of the shop.

"What happened to not making deals?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"That," he pulled me in close, "was only a rule for you," he kissed my cheek.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." I mumbled.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine," he let go of me.

Molly came back with a paper bag, "Here you go Eros, enjoy!"

"What's that?" I was about to grab the bag from Cupid but he made it vanish so I just ended up holding his hand.

"Nothing important, for now, let's get going, thank you, Molly, it was nice seeing you again."

"It was good to see you too, also, be careful out there, you may see many familiar faces, a lot of us grew up here and remained here, it might be a good idea if you tell them you're not the same Eros they used to know," she informed Cupid while pushing us out the door. "Have fun you guys!"

What does she mean he should tell them he is not the same Eros they used to know? Does he have some sort of reputation?

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