Chapter 98 - The Reception

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The reception was being held indoors. The place was nicely decorated and spacious. There were many round tables with white silk cloth draped over them along with Crepe Pink cloth napkins on top holding the utensils that will be used later when the food is served. On the center of each table, a glass vase of roses specifically from the mansion(Linda insisted we use them plus Dylan's allergies don't seem to act up around them) was placed. Red roses. Around each vase of roses, the tiny little hearts that I had been collecting were scattered. There was a dance floor in the center of the room and the DJ in the back. Further on the right side was the table where gifts were to be dropped off and beside that, a bar area. We had some of Mother's god helpers serve snacks. The room began filling with people that we knew. They mingled having a couple of drinks while Dylan and I, along with our close friends, took pictures together.

When we finished taking the pictures we all made our way indoors, once those that joined us for the photos went in, Dylan and I made our grand entrance afterward.

It was time for our first dance as a newlywed couple. The music began and we started to dance.

"So, what's it like?" I smiled at Dylan.

His face was red, it had been red since he had walked down the aisle, "What's what like?" It was obvious he was very focused on the dance. When we had practiced he kept messing up so he was probably looking to make this one count.

"What's it like being married to the god of love?" I pulled him in close and dipped him, "Now that we're married, you're mine for life," I whispered into his ear, then brought him back up to continue our dance.

He was a darker shade of red and became flustered, "Th—That wasn't part of the dance."

"Oh, it's fine, what's the fun in following the rules anyway?"

The song finished and we switched partners, I was dancing with Mother and Dylan was dancing with Andrea.

"You know, I didn't think you'd come, I'm surprised," I remarked.

"And I didn't think you'd ever get married, but here we are," she grinned probably patting herself on the back for the witty retort.

"So did you bring, uh," I cleared my throat, "Council God number 5?"

Surprisingly, she seemed to have also found her other half. She'd been dating Number 5 for a couple of years now and it seemed to be going well.

"Of course I did! I never thought I'd be steadily dating a man of the law, but he's such a romantic. He's perfect!" She grossly gushed over him.

"I mean if you find black slicked-back hair, a business suit, bags under the eyes, a stern look, and oval framed glasses perfect, then good for you," I faked my enthusiasm and she glared at me.

"Watch it."

"Yeah, yeah, I mean if your going to marry him, I guess I should be more polite to him," I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Whoa, marry him...ha...don't you think that's not a very good idea? I mean me? Married?" She grew awkward.

"Mother, don't you think it's too early for you to have cold feet? I've never seen you this serious about someone, if you let go of this guy, I don't think you'll ever find another like him. He may be unbearable, but if he makes you happy, then hell, why be miserable?" I smiled at her and she returned the look.

"I guess you're not wrong, maybe I do need to give it a try before throwing in the towel."


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