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[You can totally skip this author's note but at least read the joke at the end.]

Hello! This is yet another author's note! First, off I'd like to thank everyone who decided to read my cringey story and double thank those who were kind enough to vote!

This author's note is mostly just appreciation, I'm very happy knowing that I have people reading this story. If I'm honest, I actually thought no one would like my story because jesus it's a mess. It is obvious that I didn't have an actual storyline, but I kept writing it because why not?

I'm forever grateful to those who still bother to read even though I have a shitty updating schedule like seriously I wanted to update a week after my last update but I ended up procrastinating! I promise that my next story will be more organized along with the updating schedule (I'm totally gonna fuck this up and laze around again damn it but a person can dream(유∀유|||)). Speaking of the next story it is coming out very soon so those of you who are interested can check it out once it's published!

Once again thank you all for everything! Enjoy the next chapters of Cupid's Love!

He holds you close with his muscly arms as the wind blows through your hair. He's holding you so close that you can feel his rockhard abs against you and you can't help but feel like the luckiest person on earth having the privilege of calling him yours. As you both take in the sight of the sunset he looks at you longingly and says:

 As you both take in the sight of the sunset he looks at you longingly and says:

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(Is the photo even visible? Oh well lol)

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