Chapter 29 - Mud

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We walked into a huge dining room with so many chairs and unsurprisingly most of the things were pink.

I accidentally let out a small gasp, which made Cupid chuckle.

"Sit, sit, food will be brought once seated," Linda rushed workers to sit and some to help bring the food.

Cupid sat on a chair near the left side and told me to sit next to him, which I did out of anxiety of taking someone's usual seat and being kicked out of it.

"I feel out of place here..."

"Don't worry they are nice people, they will love you!" Cupid whispered back.

"Oh shit, I said that out loud, sorry," I said embarrassed.

"It's fine," he reached out to take my hand and I let him because I knew he was trying to calm me down.


Once the food was in front of everyone, the conversations began between different groups of workers who knew each other. I looked down at my two plates.

One had eggs, hash browns, bacon, bread, and sausage, while the other had a stack of pancakes along with tiny clear decorative bowls full of various fruits in them.

I began eating with everyone else seeing as I was the only one not doing so.

"So what's your name?" Melody asked me.

"Dylan," I answered shyly.

"I'm Melody, and this is Linda nice to meet you, also if Eros ever does anything horrible to you, you can always tell me and I'll knock some sense into him." She made punching motions towards Cupid.

"Okay," was all I could say out of awkwardness.

"So Cupid, you disappear and come back with a boyfriend huh, were you staying with him or living in the streets?" She asked.

"I was staying with him," he said, looking down.

"More like freeloading..." I whispered, but I guess not quiet enough because Melody began laughing.

A tint of red crept up Cupid's cheeks, "No I wasn't!"

"Man! You hit the jackpot, Eros! I like him already!" Melody smiled.

"You better not like him too much," Cupid glared.

"How can I? Don't you control that?" She continued eating.

"Well, sometimes I make mistakes and don't acknowledge who falls for who until it messes with my life," he shot an irritated look at her before taking a sip of his orange juice.

"Well, then it would be your fault, wouldn't it? I wouldn't mind either," she teased.


After breakfast Cupid and I were in the guest room, I was in there because it wasn't my house and Cupid was there because he wanted to make sure no one "made a move on me."

"So, are you rich?" I broke the silence.

"I don't know, am I? I never put much thought into those kinds of things," Cupid responded, picking at the threads of the bedsheets.

"Okay, new question, have you always been an airhead or is this just an act?"

He laughed, "How can I possibly be an airhead? I am very smart."

Now it was my turn to laugh.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"Oh nothing, anyway why are we in this boring room?" I looked around.

"Okay then, let me show you something that isn't boring," he took my hand and dragged me out of the room.

"Make sure you don't open your eyes until I tell you!" He said with excitement in his voice.


"Okay, now you can open your eyes," Cupid gave the signal.

I opened my eyes to see a huge garden full of different pink flowers. For some reason, I wasn't sneezing, but I didn't question it seeing as they were probably fake or magical since it was something from Cupid's life and wherever we currently were.

"It's beautiful, but what's with all the pink?"

I'm kinda getting sick of it.

"Pink is my favorite color, it reminds me of love for some reason, I know red should remind me of love, but I'm more of a pink guy, you know?" He smiled.

"Gross, that was cheesy and gross, please never speak again, you watch too many chick flicks," I shivered in disgust.

"Whatever hater," he said as he began walking further into the garden.

I followed behind.

"So do you ever wate—" I began, but slipped and fell into mud before I could finish. "Never mind, my question has been answered."

Cupid helped me up.

The mud was all over my clothes and arms there was also a bit on my face.

"Look, I know I helped you up and all, but for the love of god don't touch me," he walked further away from me.

"Oh, that's too bad because I was really hoping we could hug," I lied.

"Don't you dare do this to me! It is physically and mentally hurting me," he frowned.

"Really? Not even for a kiss?" I faked a sigh.

"You know what, all of a sudden I don't care if you're covered in mud," Cupid approached me.

"Uh, no, I was just joking everything I said wa—" before I could finish Cupid's lips were already on mine.

Turns out he didn't need to touch me in order to kiss me so as payback I got some mud from my shirt, grabbed his face, and rubbed it all over him as I pulled away from the kiss.

"Oh no! It looks like I accidentally got mud on your face!" I pretended to look worried.

"You little shit you did this on purpose."

"Did I?" I smirked.

He bent down and scooped up a ball of mud.


"Uh, hahaha, what are you doing with that mud in your hand...?" I backed away.

"Oh you know, just about to give the person I love a free mud mask, what are you doing?" He asked innocently.

"I'm about to run away from a guy I hate," I was about to turn and run, but the mud from his hand had already smacked my face.

"Okay, okay, I surrender. I'm sorry, I feel gross now."

You'd understand if you knew the smell and content of manure.

"Good. Now let's go shower."


Linda saw us before we walked into the mansion and began yelling at us about the hard work she puts into keeping the mansion clean and keeping the garden alive and healthy.

Long story short she had to wash us off with the hose before we could enter the mansion to take a shower.

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