Chapter 59 - Tickets

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We were currently at the store grocery shopping, while Dylan was telling me about how his new class was going.

It's been about 2 weeks since Dylan opened up to me and it's been about 2 weeks since he had last let me kiss him.

Did I do something wrong?! Maybe I imagined everything and he's still upset? What is going on? Did the concussions finally get to me?


"...So then she told me that since she couldn't go, she would just give me the tickets, I barely even know her, I mean I got into the writing major a week ago and she's already treating me like her best friend not that I'm annoyed by it or anything. It is nice to have another friend other than Rachel and Rose I g—" I stopped talking because I noticed that Cupid was nodding his head to every word I said.

This idiot isn't even listening, he's still nodding and hasn't noticed that I've stopped talking.

I flicked his forehead causing him to snap out of whatever trance he was in.

"Huh?! What?! I mean—yeah totally she is great...?" He tried to act as if he hadn't been spaced out a second ago.

"What were you thinking about? Was the story boring? Anyways, the reason I was telling you this was because she gave me two tickets to the fair and I wanted to know if you wanted to go or not," I got straight to the point.

"I'm not thinking about anything! I was totally listening and I would love to go to the fair with you," he smiled.

"Too bad, you weren't paying attention so I don't want to go anymore, I'll just give the tickets to Rachel and Rose," I started walking away with the cart.

"No, I'm sorry! I really do want to go with you, I was just thinking about the...RESTROOM DOOR!" he said as he rushed to stop the cart.

"...You were thinking about the restroom door...?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah! You know, like if I closed it or not," he continued to say but it sounded like a lie.

"Alright then, I'll forgive you, we can go to the fair."



The tickets to the fair could be used any day this week but since we didn't have much to do today we decided to just go tonight.

I still hadn't made any progress on the situation from earlier, every time we would remotely have a moment something would happen and completely ruin it. It's like the gods were against me, which they are.

"Ready to go?" Dylan came into the living room dressed in regular clothes which consisted of a black hoodie, black skinny jeans, and black and white Converse shoes.

Ah, I love it when my boyfriend rejects colors and decides to just wear black, it's like dating a walking funeral. Sarcasm aside, he looks adorable as always.


I, on the other hand, was wearing black ripped skinny jeans, a white shirt with a tiny red heart on the top left, a black beanie, my glasses, and black and white shoes.


We made it to the fair and I'll admit, I've been to many but for a whole different reason, usually, I'm here to work, but today is different, I mean I'll still work a bit here and there but a snap of my fingers will do for now.

This fair was beautiful, lights were shining brightly since it was night time and the smell of fair food surrounded us.

Most of the stuff here is free the only thing you have to pay for is fair food and the games that involve winning prizes.

"Where do you want to go first?" Dylan asked once we were in.

"Hmmm, how about the mirror maze?" I suggested.

"Alright, but be careful, you've hit your head so many times in the past that I'm over trying to make sure you're concussion-free," he joked as we walked in.

"Don't worry about me dear I'll be completely fi—" I instantly slammed into a mirror.

So much for being cool.

I heard Dylan snicker, "What was that about being completely fine?"

"Ha, ha, very funny I was just distracted, surely I'll help you find the way out," I was determined to prove him wrong.

Right as I said that I made a turn and once again collided with a mirror.

"You're terrible at this, let me take the lead," Dylan laughed.

"No I got this, I was just so shocked at how good-looking I am that I needed to get a closer look," I lied.

"Yeah, sure, totally," he rolled his eyes.

"Dylan, please, trust me, I know what I'm doing," I hit another mirror. "God damn it! This maze is rigged!"

"Okay, I'm beginning to think hitting the mirrors is affecting you in a bad way, come on," he grabbed my hand and easily found the way out.

"I was capable of finding the way out, it was just the poor strategy I used," I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Don't be upset, I'm sure you could've made it out, you were probably just distracted," he tried to cheer me up.

I stayed quiet and continued to pout.

"Cupid, it's not that bad," he poked my face.

I grabbed his arm catching him off guard.

"Cheer me up then," I pulled him closer to me.

Luckily we were behind the fair stalls and tents so no one would be able to see us unless they were coming out of the mirror maze, which I doubt will happen because people usually find it easy and boring.

"H—How?" Dylan's face was turning a deep shade of red.

"Don't play dumb Dylan, you know how," I smirked at him.

This made him completely lose his confidence and look away.

So he's still shy about this.

I let go of his arm, which caused him to look at me.


Before he could say anything I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him into a kiss.

I'm totally not letting this chance go away.

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