Chapter 46 - Cake

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After we teleported back to the apartment I decided to order food since I had nothing in my fridge anyway.

"Now, another issue I'd like to discuss is why didn't you take care of yourself while I was gone? Look at you all scrawny and tired-looking," Cupid said walking up to me and grabbing my face, inspecting it.

"I—I was just too busy with other things that I missed a couple of meals and some sleep," I lied.

When Cupid left I wanted to waste away, I saw no point in life anymore, but I couldn't tell him that.

"That's not a good enough excuse if this ever happens again—and gods forbid it to, you better be taking care of yourself because I will never leave you, no matter what I will always find a way to be with you even if I lose everything else I have, got it?" He said with a serious expression.

"Y—Yes, I'm sorry," I blushed because I didn't know he cared that much for me.

He smiled and began leaning closer and closer to me about to kiss me, but someone knocked on the door before he could.

"Damn it, is this still a thing? I mean for Pete's sake I'm his boyfriend already, let me show affection for once without interruption," he muttered as I went to open the door.


We were sitting next to each other in the kitchen eating Chinese food and talking about random stuff that came to mind.

"Ever since I was a kid I was always breaking the rules so when the time came for me to get god helpers I was only given one because I was apparently 'not responsible enough' to have an army of people, so that's when I first met Melody. She became my best and only friend since everyone else would avoid me for being who I was. They blamed me for their lost marriages or for being with who they were now and the other god kids were disgusted by me because they were afraid I was going to match them up with somebody and you know how kids are with their cooties and crap," Cupid was telling me about his childhood at the moment and I realized that I never really asked him about his past before.

"What about the god helpers at your mansion?" I asked.

"Oh, those belong to my Mother, she sent them here to work for me because she is overprotective and thought I would get into more trouble alone," he laughed.

He's so perfect, I can't believe he's my boyfriend.

"Something wrong Dylan?" He snapped me out of my embarrassing thoughts.

My face went hot, "Huh? No! Everything is completely fine," I laughed it off.

Get a grip man if I keep this up, I'll look desperate.

"If you say so, anyways do you have room for dessert?" He spoke again waking me up from my thoughts.

"Definitely," I laughed.

Why the fuck did I just laugh?! There was nothing funny about that question! Keep your cool Dylan. KEEP YOUR COOL.

"Alright then, good because I thought we could have some of these," he teleported somewhere and came back after a couple of seconds holding two different slices of cake.

"Which one do you want?" He set the plates down on the table.

One cake slice was chocolate and the other was strawberry.

"The chocolate one seems to be calling to me," I said reaching for it.

"Then strawberry for me," he smiled.

"So, what will happen if they find out we are talking to each other again?" I asked the question that had been lingering in my mind this whole time.

"They probably already know and if they were actually mad about it they would have shown up yesterday to kill me."

"Wow, okay then, I'm glad I can relax then," I let out a breath.

"You're honestly missing out on this cake Dylan," Cupid said, eating another piece.

"Am I?" I asked now wanting to try the other cake slice.

"Yup, but if you want I could let you try it," he innocently offered, but something seemed off.

"Okay then, I will take you up on the offer," I said a bit suspicious of him.

"I'm glad you said that," I looked at him as he cut a piece of cake with the fork.

He was about to feed to me and I was about to eat it, but he quickly made a U-turn with the fork and put the piece in his mouth.

"Hey! That wa—" before finishing my sentence he took the opportunity of my mouth being open and transferred the cake into my mouth from his. My face heated up as we made out there sharing the bit of cake. It tasted sweet and I'll admit I was missing out.

We sat there kissing, the cake we were sharing already gone, but the flavor still lingered as we explored each other's mouths.

After a while, I broke it off not being able to keep it up any longer because I would have fainted from the lack of air.

"Already out of breath dear? Seems like you need more practice on this type of thing," Cupid smirked.

My face turned a deeper shade of red, "Maybe I do," I got up to throw away the trash while Cupid stayed sitting there dumbfounded.

He finally decided to get up before I was able to go to my room to hide from embarrassment.

Yes, I still feel embarrassed about doing these types of things even though we're dating now.

He walked over to me and put a hand next to me on the wall while the other under my chin as he inched closer making our noses touch.

"Are you inviting me t—"

Before he could do anything we teleported randomly.

"Of course you'd be trying to seduce Dylan," I heard Melody's voice.

I turned to where it came from and Cupid did as well, letting go of me.

"Welcome back Dylan, I'm glad you and Cupid are together again, also if he is trying to make you do things you don't want to, I could always teach him a lesson for you, " she smiled happily the whole time she spoke as if she missed seeing us be together.

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