Meeting the Gilberts

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When I woke up, I was lying on a bed. Why was I on a bed? I wasn't allowed to be in a bed? Or... No, Cedric. Voldemort. The Cruciatus. Then, nothing? No, that's not right. A name. Gray? America. I was in America. How did I get here? I had to get back to Hogwarts. They had to know that Cedric was dead and he was back. Would they even believe me? They never did before? Should I just stay here? Maybe they wouldn't find me and I could live a normal life?

"You're awake," a gentle female voice remarked in surprise.

I flinched and immediately angled my body toward the door. The voice belonged to a beautiful brown haired woman. She seemed nice, but could I really trust my feelings? I didn't know her and she was blocking the only way out of the room I was in.

"I'm sorry," she apologized sincerely "I didn't mean to scare you. My name is Miranda Gilbert. My husband Grayson brought you here. Do you remember?"

I titled my head and nodded lightly "The doctor."

Miranda beamed "Exactly. Now, would you like something to eat?"

"No, ma'am" I whispered. I wasn't hungry, if anything, I felt quite sick. My leg was still itching badly and my muscles felt like they were on fire. It was better than when I first woke up, but it still hurt. I should probably be glad that I was functioning at all... From what Professor Moody had told us, overexposure of the Cruciatus lead to insanity. I had been Crucio'd several times and thankfully I was still alright.

"But you have to eat, Angel. That's your name, isn't it?"

I nodded, still eyeing her warily. I wasn't sure what to make of her. Why was she being so nice? Why did that doctor bring me here? I didn't understand why they would care about me. No one did before, right? I mean, Professor Lupin sort of did, but that was just because I looked like Lily. Why would anyone care anyway? "I'm not hungry, ma'am."

"Call me Miranda, sweetheart. Do you want to at least come down to meet our children? Or well, child really. Elena isn't here at the moment, but you'll meet her soon," she explained softly "Grayson would also like to check your injuries."

I shrugged uncertainly. I really wasn't sure what to expect in this situation. Ron's mother, while she treated me okay, I always felt like there was something underneath all that motherly behaviour. With Miranda it didn't feel that way. She seemed to genuinely want to help me. It only confused me more...

The woman held out a hand for me to take "Come on. Give it a try at least," she encouraged.

"Kay," I mumbled, ignoring the offered hand. I limped closer to her, past a bookshelf. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw the name 'Harry Potter', but that was impossible, right? Maybe they would allow me to come back to this room later, so I could look at the book more closely. Before I reached the woman, I stopped, waiting for her to leave the room before me. I couldn't describe my insecurities, but for once I felt like I could be myself. No masks, no false cheerfulness, just Angel. Plain and simple.

I was breathing heavily when I reached the living room downstairs. The short walk down the stairs had tired me out already and I was shaking worse than before.

"Hi, I'm Jeremy," a young boy introduced himself cheerfully.

"Hi," I smiled shyly, peaking at him from underneath my fringe.

Dr. Grayson kneeled down where he was standing not too far from me and tried to catch my eye "May I look at your injuries, little one? They must hurt."

I shrugged "I'm fine."

"You're not," the doctor remarked with a sad, but sympathetic gaze "But you will be if we have any say in it."

"Exactly," Miranda agreed "We can promise you this. You won't go back to the people who you were with before. They will face charges even if we have to drag them to court ourselves."

My eyes widened in shock. They would do that for me? But I didn't want to go to an orphanage. The Dursleys always said that orphanages got rid of freaks. That those who were unnatural would be drowned. The adults at Hogwarts had never really cared either. I told Professor Dumbledore every year that I didn't want to go back to Privet Drive, but he always sent me back.

"Could you answer some questions for us, Angel?" Grayson murmured, unwrapping the bandage around my leg.

I was uncomfortable with the contact, but I was aware that it had to be done "I think so," I nodded shyly.

"What's your date of birth?" he asked.

"31st of July, 1992," I answered after a short pause.

The two adults exchanged a shocked glance over my head "So you're eight?"

"I – I guess so?" It came out as more of a question. I was fourteen in the graveyard. What happened there? What did the white light do? De-age me? Send me to another continent? "I'm tired."

Grayson stood up "You should sleep some more. I'll bring you upstairs, but I want you to eat the next time you wake up. You're underweight already."

"I get food?" I blinked in surprise "But I don't need anything." The man stiffened and I curled into a tight ball. Was he angry? Would he hurt me now? "'M sorry. Please don't hurt me," I cried, my breathing starting to get heavier again.

"I won't hurt you, little one," Dr. Grayson promised "Just breath. Is it okay if I carry you up to your room?"

I tilted my head at his words "My room?"

He nodded "It's yours for as long as you stay here."

"I get a room?" A small sob sounded from the other side of the room and I turned to the woman with wide eyes. She was crying? Did I make her sad? No! There were so many emotions. Please, just make them stop. I didn't want them.

Jeremy bounced up and down behind his father "Do you want to play with me?"

"Later, Jeremy," Grayson waved the boy off "Angel needs a lot of rest. She is a bit ill at the moment."

His eyes widened and he nodded furiously "But we'll play once you're better," he decided "Elena is boring. She never wants to play."

My lips twitched up a tiny bit "I'd like to play. I never played before."

Grayson inhaled sharply "Okay. Let's get you to bed, kiddo." He came closer and held out his arms to pick me up. After a few moments of indecision, I carefully inched forward. The man scooped me up carefully and carried me up the stairs and back to the bed I woke up in. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I drifted off "Sleep well." Something brushed against my forehead, before I fell asleep completely.

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