1x01 Pilot

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I was sitting in the kitchen on the morning of the first day of school, while Aunt Jenna was running around like a headless chicken "Toast. I can make toast."

"Don't you have a meeting with your thesis advisor?" I spoke up, checking my bag for the last time. Sketchbook, food and water for Blue, notebooks and the school books I needed for today along with a folder. My pencil case was still missing, but that was because I was still putting in some pens and coloured pencils I would need for Art today.

"Crap," Jenna cursed "Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money?" She held out three notes.

Elena shook her head, sipping her cup of coffee "I'm good."

"I actually made something for Jay and me to take to school, but thanks," I smiled, getting up to collect Blue's vest and his leash "Want to walk with me, Jay?"

My younger brother bounded over to my side "Sure. I could use some exercise."

I whistled, making Blue appear in front of me, wagging his tail happily "Hey, boy. You ready for school?" He yipped and licked my face when I bent down to put on his harness and clip the leash on.

It didn't take us long to get to the school. Our house was only a few streets away from the High School. I wasn't quite sure why Elena wanted to get picked up by Bonnie, but who was I to argue? I was just glad that I had Art today. My teacher was amazing and she constantly challenged me one way or another. Before mom and dad died, she even wanted to get in contact with a friend of hers who was an Art dealer and museum owner in New York, but I kind of lost track of that in the last few months. I wasn't even sure whether I should actually try it now... I seemed to be so – I don't know unimportant, I guess.

Now, I didn't hate school too much. It was just all of the people and the occasional teacher that completely annoyed me. One of those teachers was Mr. Tanner, my History teacher. I think he was the only one in the entire town who believes that I'm only playing up my issues. That's the reason why I wasn't allowed to leave his class when I panic and he always put me in the front row. No matter how often I talked to him or even the principal, nothing came of it.

Today, he was rambling about the state of Virginia in the Civil War or something equally as boring as this. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Elena and the new guy. For some reason, he was staring at my sister as if he knew her. That guy gave me the creeps. There was definitely something wrong with him and my magic was trying to warn me. I couldn't quite tell what he was though.

Several boring classes followed until it was finally time for lunch. I tugged at Blue's leash lightly, trying to motivate him to go outside for a few minutes, so he could walk around and relieve himself.

"Hi, Ms. Nelson," I greeted, walking into the Art classroom half an hour before the bell rang.

Ms. Nelson grinned up at me "Angel. How are you and how is Blue?"

"We're doing fine, Ms. Nelson," I assured my favourite teacher. She had always supported me as much as she could.

"Hey, have you thought about the Art show yet?"

I nodded and took a seat in the back row like always. Ms. Nelson had followed me back and seated herself on one of the tables in front of mine "I did, but I'm not sure. Do you really think I'm good enough?"

"Are you actually asking me that?" she gaped "You are. If you're not sure then maybe I could send my friend a portfolio of some of your work first? It's the perfect way to show off some different styles and then he can get back to us?"

I bit my lip and thought for a while. For one, I knew that I still had a lot to learn when it came to drawing and painting, but on the other hand, I really wanted to know if I was good enough to warrant a part in the show that man was planning "I can try. When do you want the portfolio?"

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