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Aaah! This is finally over and done with. I'm honestly a bit relieved since this was my longest story so far (I think) and it was also one that turned out... Meh. I'm not a hundred percent happy with how it did turn out but it's fine. I could have done way worse xD

I've reached my goal of 1500 Reviews for this story, so thank you all very much!

As you can see at the end, I kind of put up glaring signs of the sequel. I won't write it quite yet (sorry about that) but I think that other ideas will come first. Maybe some shorter stories or whatever I feel like writing. Who knows, maybe I feel like writing the sequel... Since it's already planned out.



Jeremy strode into the meeting room with purpose. In the last few months, he had been getting constant calls from his older sister. Ever since Elena had been convicted for pushing Angel down the stairs, she tried getting in contact with him. While he had no idea why he didn't care much either way.

"Jeremy," Elena called out in relief, standing from her place on the other side of the glass.

The youngest Gilbert sat down in the chair, crossing his arms. The room was different from the ones you saw in movies... The glass was pretty thick but there were holes in it, so the people could hear each other "I'm here. What do you want?"

"Please," the now nineteen-year-old pleaded "You have to tell them that it was a mistake. I didn't mean to hurt Angel."

"You pushed her down the stairs, Elena. You even admitted it. I heard," he pointed out, an incredulous look on his face "So you know as well as I do that it wasn't an accident." Elena slumped in the chair, tears welling up in her eyes. Jeremy just shook his head "Stop trying to get in contact with me, will you? I only came here because Anna told me that I should hear you out. I did... Now, please. Just don't call anymore." He got up and turned around to leave.

Elena jumped up "No, Jeremy. Please... Don't leave."

"You did this to yourself," he shot back "Maybe once you're actually sorry for what you did. Do you even care that you could have killed Angel? If Damon hadn't arrived when he did, she would have been dead."

"I'm sorry," she breathed when the door closed behind her younger brother. A sob forced its way out of her throat. How could her life have changed this much? Elena closed her eyes tightly, burying her face in her hands. This was all Angel's fault.


At the Mikaelson Mansion, Bonnie was grinning at her boyfriend. It still felt weird to say that... Boyfriend. Kol had asked her to be his girlfriend a few days ago after they had a picnic close to the Falls. It had been perfect and Bonnie couldn't deny how much she loved the Original. Angel helped her a lot, their friendship had blossomed after Bonnie apologized. Currently, the girl was away with Niklaus on their honeymoon. It was well deserved after everything that happened in the last few months. First Elena and then Esther trying to kill all of them – Her actually succeeding in killing Kol...

Her feeling for the youngest male Mikaelson started when Kol and her got together to talk about magic, what she knew and what he learned over the course of his life. She loved learning about all the magic he was teaching her. At first, she thought that she only liked Kol as a friend but after he died... When he died, it was the worst thing that could have happened. It didn't even matter that he came back to life pretty soon afterwards. The few hours that he was gone, she was a wreck. There were so many things that she never told him, that she should have told him.

"What are you thinking about, darling?" Kol questioned, wrapping his arm around the little witch's shoulder.

Bonnie sighed, relaxing into him. She sniffled lightly, her eyes filling up with tears "I was thinking about the time you died. About all the things I wanted to tell you then and it was too late."

"It's alright," the second youngest Original murmured into Bonnie's hair "I'm here. I'm alive." He paused and hummed "Well, more or less."

The witch let out a snort "I love you, Kol."

"I love you too, little witch," Kol whispered, pressing a kiss to his witch's forehead.



Angel shivered against the wind that was whipping around her. She tried to see through the darkness that was surrounding her, to no avail.

"Angel Potter," a voice breathed.

The red-haired girl tilted her head in confusion. Did she really hear a voice? "Who's there?" She stumbled around, towards a tiny source of light that she could see in the distance. Maybe she could find shelter there.

"Angel Potter."

Angel flinched when she felt a faint touch on her arm. Where was she? What was going on here? She got closer to the light. Closer and closer until she had to squint against the brightness. A glance back showed the all-encompassing darkness she had found herself in earlier.

"Angel Potter." The voice was cleared now. She blinked her eyes open and looked around in surprise. What was she doing in Hogwarts? The girl was standing on the grounds near the Forbidden Forest, looking out towards the castle. A cloaked figure was striding towards her "Mistress."

"Death?" Angel whispered in shock. She never thought that she would meet the entity. The title of Mistress of Death was not one that she necessarily wanted but once Kol came back as her protector... Well, she didn't really have much of a choice there.

The cloaked figure bowed its head "You must go back," Death said in a breathy voice. Even as close as they were, the voice was frail but at the same time the strongest that she ever heard. It was a weird mixture of young and old.

"Back?" the Mistress of Death inhaled in shock "I don't want to go back there... I finally found a place where people love me. Why do I have to go back there?"

"I'm sorry, little one," Death intoned mournfully "I'm afraid it's fated for you to fight."

Angel shook her head, stumbling back "No."

Death sighed "You don't have to go alone. I will transport you and whoever you wish to your universe until your task is done. Then you may choose what you wish to do. I must go now. Be prepared, Angel Potter."

End Dream

I shot up in the bed I was sharing with Niklaus, breathing heavily. It was a dream... Just a dream. Everything was alright.

"Angel?" Nik mumbled, still half asleep "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Nik," I shook my head "Go back to sleep."

He must have heard something in my voice, causing him to sit up, rubbing the sleep out of his voice "It doesn't sound like nothing."

"I – I had a dream about Death," I whispered, burying myself into my husband's arms "He said that I have to return. I don't want to go back, Nik. It was horrible there."

Nik stiffened, tightening his arms "We'll get through this. We always got through so far... This isn't going to be any different." The Hybrid pressed a kiss to my lips, carefully easing me back down onto the bed.

I want to ask you guys again to Review and tell me what you think about the story if you haven't done it already. If you've already done so and wanna tell me again, I don't mind either :D

I know I didn't write the wedding but that along with some more explanations about the whole MoD business is going to be in the Sequel, so... Yeah.


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