The Ritual

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Here is the rewritten chapter for the Ritual. The only thing that changed is the end. The next chapter will take me a little longer but I'm going to make it a double update with a new chapter if that is alright. I'm sorry that I changed it but I was made aware that I messed up a little. This version and the new version of the next chapter should be better.



At twelve-thirty Maddox room in Mrs Flower's Boarding House was packed. Five witches, two Originals and me... "So we have all the ingredients?" I questioned, leaning against Nik's chest.

"We should," Jonas nodded, shuffling through the ingredients that were lying on the desk.

I hummed "So... I hate to ask this of you but could you maybe start on the Potion? I'll be back later but if Nik and I don't go now then my family will hunt us down."

"John and Jenna will come after the two of you," Sheila agreed with an amused smile "And so will your brother if I'm not mistaken."

Nik looked from me to Sheila and groaned "What did I get myself into?"

"I'm not sorry," I shrugged unapologetically "I have been dealing with them for about ten years. They got so much worse after they found out that I met someone in New York."

"You're not helping," the Hybrid accused.

I rolled my eyes at my boyfriend's dramatics and pulled him up "Come on, we should go now..." He sighed and stumbled after me reluctantly "We'll see you guys later. If there's anything new, call me."

"Let's hope that they don't make the Potion in vain," Nik mumbled, throwing a glare at Elijah when his older brother snorted "It's not funny."

"Oh, stop whining," I sighed "We really should get going now. I wasn't kidding about them hunting us down if we don't get there in..." I checked the clock on my phone "Ten minutes."

The Hybrid shifted nervously but wrapped his arm around my waist, leading me outside "Do we really have to?"

"Aww," I cooed with a smirk "Is the big, bad Original afraid of a few puny humans?"

"A vampire, two vampire Hunters, your younger brother and your aunt," Nik listed "Can you tell me which part I shouldn't be wary of?"

I considered his words for a moment and nodded "You're probably right but they won't hurt you. Maybe they threaten you a little but nothing out of the normal range... I hope."

"Are you trying to cheer me up? Because it's so not working."

I was about to unlock my red Audi R8 – something that Jay talked me into – when Nik grabbed the keys out of my hand and whisked me off to the passenger side "Really?" I crossed my arms and stared at him, looking as unimpressed as I could.

"Sorry, little Red but you can't expect me to not want to drive a car like that... I wouldn't have taken you for an Audi type," he told me with a smirk. That bastard... He knew exactly why I had that car. I actually grew surprisingly fond of it though even though I originally didn't want to spend as much money on it but it didn't even make a dent in the money I earned for my paintings.

"Boys and their toys," I sighed, leaning back in the seat. It took us five minutes to reach my home with Nik's driving style... I wasn't too sure whether I would ever let him drive again. At least not a sports car... Just before we reached home, I pulled out my phone and texted Damon 'Hey. Need you to come to my house now. There's something I need to tell all of you guys.'

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