1x20 Blood Brothers

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It was already late afternoon when I arrived home. Ms. Nelson's friend who had picked us up from the airport had dropped me off in the driveway, helping me with my bags, while I got Hero out of the car.

"Thanks," I nodded, rubbing my eyes tiredly. The plane ride – while short – was incredibly exhausting. There was another asshole somewhere in the middle of the cabin, complaining about a dog allergy. He randomly started a fit of fake sneezing until the stewardess shut him up. Even though I wanted to fall into bed and sleep for a few months, the tiredness couldn't erase the excitement I felt. I had a ton more sketches that I could turn into paintings and a new friend. I really didn't know why I got along so well with Nik but I guess it had something to do with being so similar. There were a lot of things that we differ in but I guess it wasn't enough for us to hate each other.

I took off Hero's leash because he was jumping around energetically, almost causing me to lose hold of my suitcase. My trek to the front door was so much shorter that way and soon I was inside the house. God, I was glad that I did the show in New York but I was also glad that it's over now and I'm back home. The city wasn't for me. I preferred a place with not too many people around.

"Angel?" a familiar voice smiled from the bottom of the stairs.

I blinked at the person in surprise. Why didn't I know that he was here? I dropped my suitcase and ran forward, throwing myself into his arms excitedly "Uncle John." His arms wrapped around me tightly and he spun me around a few times "What are you doing here?"

Uncle John set me down but didn't release me from the hug "What? Can't I come to see my favourite niece and nephew?"

"Usually... Yeah," I nodded "Anyway. Guess what?"

"Mm." He put on the most exaggerated thinking face on "The Art show went well?"

I nodded, bouncing up and down, my earlier tiredness completely forgotten "Yup. I sold all of my paintings. Robert said that he would transfer the money to me within the next few days."

"That's amazing, Angie," John grinned, leaning down to peck my cheek "Your mom and dad would be so proud of you. You know they supported you. Through Hell and back."

"Thank you, Uncle John," I whispered.

He seemed to realized that his words didn't have the effect he wanted them to have "So, how have you been?"

I shrugged "Not too bad. I made friends, stood up to Elena a few times and found out that I'll never move to New York. Ever."

"That's good," he snorted, ruffling my hair "Jeremy is with his girlfriend, by the way. I think they wanted to go to the Grill."

"You disapprove?" I frowned, taking in his tone "You know that Jay doesn't care that Anna is a vampire, right? Neither do I. He's happy with her... I don't think I've seen him this happy since mom and dad died. We both like to pretend that we're happy, even if we're not, in hopes it will become reality."

Uncle John sighed "I guess so. I still don't like it though."

I rolled my eyes "You shouldn't be prejudiced. They are only trying to survive. I get that they kill people and that vampires like Logan Fell should be killed but there are a lot of good ones out there as well."

"When have you become so mature?"

I shrugged "It's the upbringing, Uncle John. I had to grow up quickly. I also see the real monsters in the world and Anna, Pearl, Damon and Stefan aren't monsters."

"Will you accompany me to the Grill? I'm actually meeting Pearl there now," he said, holding out his arm for me to take.

"Can you just wait for ten minutes? I want to change out of these clothes and drink something."

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