2x01 The Return

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I didn't know how long it has been since I went to bed again but however long it was, I was still tired as hell when Jeremy jumped onto my bed "Angel," he hissed, prodding me "Come on, Angel. Wake up. Uncle John is in hospital."

I groaned "'s nice."

"Oh for the..." Jeremy sighed, shoving me from the bed. It was always a last attempt to get me out of bed. One that normally worked pretty well.

I sat up, rubbing my head "Did you just say that Uncle John is in hospital?"

Jay clapped sarcastically "Congrats. You're not totally hopeless. Yes, he was stabbed in the kitchen last night."

"Huh," I mumbled, tilting my head. Wasn't Elena in the kitchen with us last night? No, not Elena. Katherine? Well, apparently Damon wasn't kidding when he said that she's a bitch.

"What do you mean 'huh'? Get up and get dressed. You're going to see him now," Jeremy urged.

I huffed "Fine. Give me five minutes." When he didn't move I glared "That means, get out or I won't be held responsible for any spells I try out on you."

My younger brother pouted "You were nicer when I didn't know you were a witch."

"Bite me," I snapped and then got a good look at him. Jay looked like crap "What happened to you?"

He shrugged "I tried to turn myself into a vampire. Anna gave me some blood."

"What?" I shouted, pulling a sweatshirt over my tank top. Screw changing. At least I was wearing something that could be worn outside "Jay, why?"

"I want to be with her," he explained.

I squeezed my eyes shut "Then you go and ask her to change you. Please, don't try to kill yourself again."

"You don't mind me becoming a vampire? Elena freaked out. That's why I'm not allowed to go with you. Stefan's playing babysitter."

"It's your choice, Jay," I told him, ruffling his hair. I loved doing that, even though he was way taller than me by now.

He smiled at me and fixed his hair "Go. Before Elena jumps the wall."

I pressed a small kiss to his cheek and grabbed my phone and bag, walking out of the room quickly "Elena?"

"Thank God," she sighed in annoyance "How long does it take to wake someone up?"

"A lot," I grinned, walking past her.

On the stairs, a policeman almost ran into me "Are you Miss Angel Gilbert?"

"Yes, sir," I nodded "My siblings woke me up."

"Will you and your sister head to the hospital then?" he questioned.

I nodded, looking behind me to see Elena talking quietly with Stefan "Elena?"

"Coming," she murmured, kissing Stefan, before jogging down the stairs towards me "I'll drive."

I shrugged "Fine with me. I still have a bit of a headache anyway."

At the hospital, I ran over to the reception, asking for my uncle. They told me that he was still in surgery and that both my sister and I should wait until a doctor came to us. Hopefully, they'd be done within an hour or two. I flopped down on one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs, rubbing my head in annoyance. The last thing I needed was this stupid headache coming back.

"You okay?" Damon questioned, sitting down next to me.

I shrugged with a sigh and leaned against his side lightly "I don't know. You know, I talked with Uncle John a while before he got stabbed apparently. Why did I leave him alone?"

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