1x04 Family Ties

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I was studying for my Maths test, giggling at my aunt's antics. Jenna was currently cursing at the television – or rather she was cussing out Logan Fell.

"Scumball. Scumbucket."

Elena walked into the kitchen, a confused expression on her face "Who are you talking to?"

Aunt Jenna jabbed her finger in the TV's direction "Him."

"The news guy?"

"Also known as Logan 'Scum' Fell. Did your mom ever tell you why I moved away from Mystic Falls?" Jenna question, hitting the back of my head lightly when I started chuckling again. God, was there anyone she wasn't with? I mean there was Logan Fell and Uncle John that I knew of and probably still some others.

Elena's eyes widened "Oh, no way. You and him?" She studied the screen intently "He's cute."

"He is not cute," Jenna denied "There's nothing cute about him. What are you doing with that?" 'That' turned out to be some of mom and dad's stuff that was handed down through the family.

"I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box. Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood, she would loan it to the founder's council for their heritage display," my sister explained with a shrug.

Aunt Jenna squinted at one of the pieces "Is that grandma Beth's wedding ring?"

The brown-haired girl nodded "Originally it was great-great-grandma Mary's wedding ring."

"How much do you think this stuff is worth?" Jeremy questioned, coming up behind me. He reached over my shoulder to pluck the ring from the table to study it closer "You know, like on eBay?"

"You're not going to find out," Elena snapped, snatching the ring back from out little brother.

I rolled my eyes at her bitchiness "He was joking, Elena. Relax."

"Don't tell me what to do, Angel," she hissed and stalked to the door once the doorbell rang.

Jenna, Jay and I exchanged glances and shrugged in sync. Well, just another day in our lives... I grinned up at our aunt cheekily "So... You and Fell?"

She took an offended breath and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl behind her "Don't make me throw this at you," she threatened, an amused glint in her eyes.

I held up my hands in mock fright "Oh no," I gasped "Fruit! You have found my weakness. Mercy."

Jay was laughing at us and soon all three of us had tears in our eyes from laughing so hard. Sometimes I was sad that Elena was missing out on moments like these but it was her own fault. If she didn't spend all her time with her friends or Stefan then it might have worked but she doesn't even try.

We messed around some more before I remembered something "Jenna? Can I borrow your car? I have to pick up Hero from Laura's today. I completely forgot."

My aunt looked at me "When do you plan on going?"

"Around the same time you leave for the party," I told her "I thought maybe Jay would like to come with me?" The last part was directed at my younger brother.

Jeremy's head shot up "I'd love to. You haven't even told us what breed Hero is."

Jenna sighed "I wanted to come with you but sadly I have to make an appearance at the party. Especially since Mrs. Lockwood practically forces me every time."

I got up from my chair to hug her "It's fine, Aunt Jenna. I'm just glad that most of the people know that I don't like going to these stupid parties and whatever else they come up with."

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