Settling In

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The next time, I woke up in the bedroom, I was alone. It was a good thing too since I really had to think things through. I had no idea what happened to me in the graveyard. How was I suddenly younger and where was I anyway? With those books, I saw there was no way, I was still in my world, was there?

I slid out of bed and carefully stumbled towards the bookcase, I had seen the book on. There it was... they were. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone? The Chamber of Secrets? What? The Prisoner of Azkaban... Sirius. I'm sorry that you never had the chance to get to know the real me. I picked up the first book and crawled back onto the huge bed. There was only one way to find out if this had anything to do with what I know about or not.

'Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.'

I gasped in shock. This wasn't possible. How did I get here and why is there a book series about a boy version of me? How much of it was actually accurate?

The rest of the night, I read the first book. By the end of it, I was surprised. Many things were the way they happened for me, but they were also very tame compared to the reality. The Dursleys had treated me worse than a House elf, beating me whenever I did something wrong or freakish. All of the hopes I had for the Wizarding World, shrivelled up after only a week at Hogwarts. The students all stared at me, talked behind my back and then when I lost them hundred and fifty points after the Norbert incident, they started bullying me. I was the next Dark Lady for most of my schooling there. Constantly changing from a Dark witch to their Saviour and back. Their behaviour gave me whiplash to the extent of just giving up hope of ever fitting in with them. A freak in one world and a freak in the other. Maybe that was the way I was supposed to live my life.

From what I could tell, both Miranda and Grayson were amazing parents. They were so nice to me, even though they didn't know anything about my life or my personality. Jeremy seemed like a nice kid too. Maybe we could become friends? Yes, he was younger, but why should that matter? They had a daughter as well... I was kind of excited to meet her. Hopefully, I could at least have one friend my age? I never had any friends in Primary school and Hogwarts wasn't much different. Most of the people there only talked to me because I was famous and they wanted in on it.

A knock on my door startled me out of my thoughts "Angel?" Miranda called quietly, opening the door "Oh, you're awake. Are you alright?"

I scooted away from the book in fear. Was I allowed to touch them? "Sorry."

"Oh, honey," she smiled, sitting down on the edge of the bed. The older woman tilted her head to look at the book "Harry Potter? That's a good book. How do you like it?"

I shrugged shyly "It's sad."

"Because he lost his parents?"

"No," I whispered "Because no one likes him for who he is and there are a lot of people who only see his parents."

Miranda's smile turned sad "But at least he found friends at Hogwarts. Come on, it's time for breakfast. And you can meet our daughter, Elena. She came back from her friend's house an hour after you went to bed yesterday."

I crawled to the other side of the bed and slid out, being careful of my still aching leg "I'm still not hungry, ma'am."

"But you have to eat something, love," she told me firmly, leaving the room before me. I was glad that they understood that I was nervous about walking past people... Maybe all the bad stuff was finally catching up to me and that's why I was so nervous and scared all the time? It also helped that no one wanted me to be brave or act a certain way. Downstairs, at the kitchen table, there was Jeremy with Grayson and a brown-haired girl "Elena? I want you to meet Angel. She will be staying with us for a while."

Elena looked me up and down, dismissing me entirely "I'm hungry, mom."

"Elena," Grayson scolded "That's not a nice thing to do."

"I don't care," the girl shrugged.

Jeremy, who had been watching his sister and me, bounced up to me "Hello, Angel. Do you want to play with me later?"

I smiled weakly "I'd like that."

"Come on," Gray smiled at me "What would you like to eat? Egg? Cereal?"

My eyes widened. He actually gave me a choice? I never had a choice. Not even at Hogwarts. They only had this extremely greasy food that my stomach could barely cope with "I – I don't know. I never had it?"

The doctor closed his eyes and breathed in and out deeply "How about you try a bit of cereal and if you like it then you can have some more?"

"Okay," I nodded, biting my lip when he put a bowl of milk and cereal in front of me. My small hand grasped the spoon and I poked it. The cereal consisted of colourful circles that looked really nice actually. I kept an eye on the two adults as I scooped some of it onto the small spoon. As soon as it was in my mouth, I couldn't stop my eyes from lighting up. It actually tasted pretty good, a bit too sweet maybe, but it was something I never tasted before.

Jeremy grinned knowingly "They're awesome, right?"

"I like it," I murmured in agreement. After another two spoonfuls of cereal, I pushed the bowl away from me. Those few bites were actually enough to fill me up completely. Just thinking about how little I actually ate, made me sad, but I guess that happens when you're told that you're not good enough for food.

"Are you done?" Miranda questioned, holding her hand out for the bowl. I bit my lip, but nodded and handed her the still half-full bowl "Don't worry little one. You can have some more food if you're hungry."

"Mom," Jeremy called out, his mouth full of food "I'm done. Can Angel and I go outside?"

Miranda rolled her eyes at her son "If Angel wants to join you, then yes."

He turned to me, giving me a puppy dog look. I didn't care much either way, so I just shrugged and nodded. I was a bit scared about what he would do once we were out of his parent's earshot, but from what I saw, he was just excited to play with someone who actually wanted to spend time with him.

The next few hours were spent with Jeremy explaining several games to me and us running around the garden until my leg started to get worse and worse. Suddenly, I was on the floor and my right leg was aching like crazy. My eyes were tearing up and I sniffed, trying to force them back. I wasn't weak. Crying made me weak...

"Dad," the younger boy yelled, running into the house "Angel's hurt."

It only took minutes for the doctor to come outside with his son in tow "Can I look at your leg, sweetheart?"

I sniffled but loosened my grip on the injured limb. Everything happened quite fast and soon I was back in the room I was staying in.

"'M sorry, Angie," Jeremy mumbled, sitting down next to me.

I shook my head "Not your fault. I shouldn't have run around this much. I really liked playing, Jeremy. It was fun."

His expression lightened up "Wanna play in here?"

"Sure," I laughed quietly. It was so easy to be happy around the boy. He seemed to be happy all the time and didn't care for my occasional flinches or my quietness. Everything about the last two days was better than all of the fourteen years back in the other world. Maybe, just maybe I could have a better life here? That is if they don't get rid of me... For now, I'd just have faith, for the hundredth time in my life. Although now, it seemed so much more useful than before.

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