2x05 Kill or Be Killed

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"I can't believe Tyler Lockwood is a werewolf," Jeremy muttered, leaning against the door to the bathroom. I was standing in front of the mirror, trying to tame my hair with Elena next to me. We're rarely this peaceful when we're all together but I didn't really care anymore.

"We're not sure about that," Elena pointed out "The only thing we know for sure is that Mason Lockwood is."

I rolled my eyes at both of them "Tyler's not a werewolf. Not yet at least. He has to trigger the curse."


"There are two different kinds of werewolves. The ones from the stories where the curse is transferred through a bite and then there's this kind. It is passed from parent to child. Of course, it's dormant at first but once you trigger it?" I explained, finally fixing my hair into the ponytail I wanted. Sometimes, I really cursed my hair. It was a beautiful shade of red and if I wore it open it was fine but trying to do anything with it? It required a lot of patience.

Elena raised an eyebrow at me "And you know that how?"

I shrugged "One of the Gilberts did some research. I read all of the journals we have in the house and have the ones from the boathouse as well. Trust me, there's a lot of them and one was specifically focussed on werewolves."

"Give it to me," my sister demanded, holding out her hand.

"Why would I?" I shot back lightly, throwing Jay a quick look. He nodded and walked back to his room, leaving me and Elena alone.

Elena shoved me back into the counter "Don't be a bitch. Mason Lockwood is dangerous. He needs to be put down."

"Mason Lockwood is a normal guy with a bit of a furry problem once a month. He's not evil, dangerous and he doesn't have to be 'out down'," I hissed "Are you even listening to yourself? You talk about killing a man we have known since we were little."

She smirked "We have known Logan Fell as well. You didn't seem to have a problem with him dying."

I gaped at her lightly "You know what? Bite me, Elena. I won't give you the journal and I sure as hell won't help you with this." With those words, I shoved past her and hurried down the stairs. Jenna had promised that I could take her car to help Carol with the preparations of the... wait for it... the Mystic Falls Historical Society Volunteer Day. If I didn't grow up here, I would be overwhelmed with all of the parties and what the town held each year. Hero jumped up as soon as I was at the door and with practiced hands, he was wearing his vest in no time "Let's go, big boy." I opened the front door and flinched in surprise when I ran into Stefan.

"Oh, hi," my sister's boyfriend smiled "I – I'm here for Elena?"

I nodded, stepping aside "She's almost done, I think. Just wait for her." Once he was inside, I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart and walked outside to Aunt Jenna's car.

It didn't take me long to reach the new park that was built from donations of the Fell family. When all of the stuff with Logan happened, they felt like they owed the town something or at least that's what I think "Hey, Carol, Mason," I greeted once I was close enough for them to hear.

"Angel," the mayor greeted, smiling at me "You're here to help?"

I nodded "I am. I won't stay for the actual party but I'll help you with the preparations."

Carol rolled her eyes "You really should get used to attending these things. After all, you're becoming more famous. I actually heard that some of the other Founding Families want to buy some of your paintings as well."

"Oh God," I groaned in teasingly "Have you been bragging?"

"Me?" she questioned with a mock insulted look "Never."

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