1x08 162 Candles

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Matt, Jeremy and I were milling around in the living room of our home. The two boys were playing some kind of video game while I was playing with Hero and Blue. It was only four days after Vicki died and Matt was coping. I think it helped to have people who he can talk with about all of that stuff. Jay and I had decided to talk with Aunt Jenna about what happened. She had a right to know about the supernatural as well and not only because I had the feeling that Elena was going to be more trouble than she was worth. I knew how it felt to be left out of the loop and I had no intention to do that to people I loved.

The doorbell startled me out of my thoughts. I got up from the floor when it looked like neither Jay nor Matt were going to move from their place on the couch. Typical! "Damon?" I blinked, seeing the vampire on the other side of the door "What are you doing here?"

"Can I come in?" he murmured, shifting uncomfortably.

"Sure," I nodded, stepping to the side "Come in." The dark-haired man walked past me. I shut the door and directed him up the stairs and to my room. He probably didn't want to be around Matt yet, even though the boy was on his way to forgive the vampire "What's up?"

Damon sighed and ran a hand through his hair "Stefan has a friend over for his birthday... I just don't fancy being around them. It also didn't help that Elena is there as well."

I frowned "What is your deal with Elena anyway? It is almost like you expect something from her?"

"She looks like Katherine," he admitted "She was the one who turned Stefan and me into vampires. It's a long story but Katherine fed us her blood, compelling Stefan to fall in love with her. I... I think that I really loved her but she just... It was pathetic really." He sounded like he didn't even believe himself. Maybe Damon should just confront these feeling but I was no expert in love, so I wasn't sure what to tell him.

I put my hand on his shoulder gently "Is that why Stefan is with my sister? Not that I care much but you know? Rebound and all."

Damon chuckled lightly "I don't know. It's just weird, you know? Seeing a double of the woman who fucked up your life as much as Katherine did with me. And I have no idea why I'm telling you all of this... Maybe I like the fact that someone doesn't judge me for once." We fell into a comfortable silence for a bit until Damon broke it again "Did you paint those?"

"Yeah," I nodded "I have started to draw and paint when I was eight. It helped me a lot over the years."

"Who are the people in this one?" he questioned, pointing to the painting I did of a few people from my old life. Friends and family.

I took a deep breath "The two in the middle are my birth parents," I told him quietly "They were murdered when I was still a baby. This one." A man with shaggy black hair and a cheeky grin "Is my godfather. The one next to him is his and my dad's best friend. The others in this picture were a few of my friends. The blonde is Luna, the twins are Fred and George and then there's Neville. He's my god-brother. I haven't seen them since I got here... Hell, I don't even know if they're still alive or not."

Damon blinked down at me "Why wouldn't they be?"

"There was this one occult group or something that randomly killed people who were going against them. It's complicated," I evaded.

"Fair enough," the vampire shrugged "What were you doing before I barged in?"

"Thinking about how to tell my aunt about all of this supernatural bullshit," I admitted "She deserves to know and maybe it would help as well. I mean, she has no idea about not inviting people in and stuff like that. I'm kind of scared that something will happen to her..."

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