The Original Witch

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I'm back. Just like I promised... Sorry that it's been a bit over a month but on another note. I'm done with my apprenticeship now, so yay me, right?

A little note to this chapter... Please don't kill me after reading this. I promise things aren't as they seem.



"So, wait," Kol blinked in surprise "You mean that you're really from another world where witches are different? Like wand-waving with brooms and funny hats?"

I nodded, leaning against Nik's side. Kol had been asking a lot of questions about how my magic was different from the one he had before. Questions that I really didn't know how to answer properly "Yes. I told you that about a hundred times already," I pointed out with a small grin "It's not my fault that you don't believe me."

"Yes, yes," he grumbled, crossing his arms petulantly. The pouting only lasted a minute though before he sat up, an eager look on his face "Didn't you say that you can turn into an animal?"

"I can, yeah," I murmured "Although I probably shouldn't transform just yet. Not until I'm completely healed... Back injuries aren't the best thing to have as a wolf."

Kol sighed in disappointment "Can you at least show me something?"

Rebekah threw a pillow at her brother's head "Don't be an ass, Kol. She'll show you in her own time. What I want to know is when we're going to talk about what that wench of a Doppelgänger did to you." She smirked at the red-haired girl "I could kill her for you?"

"Rebekah," Elijah sighed, glancing at me cautiously. He knew that I was conflicted about what to do with Elena, especially since she was stubborn, telling everyone that it was an accident and that I tripped over something.

I smiled lightly "It's alright, Elijah. Bekah, I don't know. I really don't... She tried to kill me and I have no idea what to think about that. If you really want to kill her though, I won't be stopping anyone."

It was then that the doorbell rang. There was a moment of silence before Elijah got up to answer the door. Everyone who normally visited knew to just walk in. The silence in the room got slightly more uncomfortable as the vampires listened to something that was out of my hearing range. Nik's arm tightened around my waist "Let's get you upstairs."

"What's going on?" I frowned, wrapping my arms around his neck once he lifted me from the couch "Nik?"

He shook his head "Mother is here."

I froze "Your mother? As in the bitch who kept your wolf side from you?"

"Yes," he answered shortly before he sighed "I'm sorry, I'm being an ass. How about you paint a bit? I'll be back in a bit."

"It's fine," I smiled "From what you've told me, I don't mind you stashing me up here. Just – I don't know why she's here but... Are you sure that you can trust her?"

Nik wrapped his arms around my back from behind, pressing a small kiss to the side of my head "I don't know, little Red. I really don't know."

I turned my head, pecking his cheek before turning to the cupboard that held all of our art supplies "Be careful."

"I will," he hummed, his hand trailing over my shoulders before he left the room.

A while later, I was splattered in paint, more relaxed than I had been in a long time. I never knew how much I needed to paint before... It's been way too long since I had the time to create a new painting.

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