1x09 History Repeating

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It's been a week and life had gone back to normal. Well, as normal as life could get with vampires and magic. I only realized today how little I actually saw Elena ever since she started dating Stefan. The only times I was around her was at school. Not that it was bad or anything, I quite enjoyed my life without her constant bitching.

At the moment, I was walking towards the History classroom with Matt. He had become a constant in my life along with Damon recently. Ever since Vicki died, he stayed with us. Liz came over a few days ago and told us that it was official now and Matt was under Jenna's guardianship. Apparently, she told Richard Lockwood who immediately made sure that the older boy was well taken care of.

On the way to the classroom, we walked past Caroline who was trying to get Matt's attention "Hey, Matt," she smiled.

"Hey," he replied, pulling me along with him.

I looked up at the blond "I think you hurt her feelings," I murmured.

"I – It's just... I don't know. Caroline was always more like a friend than a romantic interest," he shrugged "And since when do you care about her?"

"I don't," I snorted "Well, not really at least but you were kind of rude."

Matt lowered his voice a bit more "Do you think she knows? About Vicki?"

I lifted my shoulder "I have no idea but if Elena knew then Caroline probably did as well." Once we entered the History classroom, we saw an unknown man at the teacher's desk. Oh, right. Today was the day Tanner's replacement was supposed to arrive. Hopefully, he'd be better than the asshole. Not that that would be much work.

"Ah, erm, excuse me," the teacher's voice stopped me on my way towards the back of the room. Since Tanner died, I had taken to sit in the back of the room like in all of my other classes.

I turned to face the older man with a questioning look, Hero turning with me obediently "Sir?"

"Erm, I – You're Angel Gilbert, correct?" he questioned.

"Yes," I nodded quietly. Would he turn out to be the same way as Tanner? I mean, he must have heard about me by now... Who hasn't? Sometimes it was really annoying to live in a town where most people knew each other – or at least knew each other when it came to specific families.

The new teacher whose name I still didn't know, shifted a bit, looking uncomfortable "Can you come here at lunch? There are several things I'd like to talk to you about."

I shrugged "Sure. Can I...?"

"Of course," the teacher nodded. As soon as I was at my desk, Elena came in and sat down. Bonnie, on the other hand, hurried in just in time, looking worse for wear "Good morning, everyone. Alrighty." The teacher turned around to write his name on the chalkboard. I blinked at the complicated sounding words... Who names their child Alaric? Actually... I quite like it though. It's different. Different but complicated as shit "Alaric Saltzman. It's a mouthful, I know. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. Saltzman is of German origins. My family emigrated here in 1755 to Texas. I, however, was born and raised in Boston. Now the name Alaric belongs to a very dead great-grandfather I will never be able to thank enough." Mr. Saltzman paused to roll his eyes in exasperation while I exchanged an amused glance with Matt. Only two minutes in and the guy was already on my list of teachers that I could or do like. The jury's still out though "You'll probably want to pronounce it 'Alaric' bit it's 'Alaric', okay? So, you can call me Ric. I'm your new History teacher." The rest of the class and the time to lunch passed quickly and afterward I only had Art left. Today was actually the day we would look at our finished projects. I had a feeling that I did pretty well but who knew. I don't have too much experience with photography.

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