Family Bonding

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I'm really glad that you liked the rewritten version of the chapters more... Really am. Here is the newest chapter. I'm honestly not sure how it turned out. I was told it's alright but you guys are going to be the judge of that.



"Angel?" Nik's voice cut through the clouds that were swirling around my head "Come on, love. You have to wake up now."

I blinked my eyes open and looked around in confusion. Why was I in a hospital? Nik was running his hand over my hair, while Jenna, Jeremy and John were sitting on the other side of my bed "How are you?" Aunt Jenna questioned carefully, leaning forward to touch my leg gently. She was careful not to disturb Hero who had his head on my lap, his body curled around my lower legs in a complicated pretzel like construction.

Her touch felt kind of weird... I stretched lightly and hissed at the pain in my lower back. What happened? "What happened?"

"We were hoping you could tell us that," John spoke up "What do you remember from yesterday?"

I rubbed my head in annoyance, accidentally hitting my forehead with the cast on my left wrist "I don't remember much. Wait... Yesterday? I know we ran and I know that I went home to shower but after that everything is just blank. That was yesterday?"

"I –" the Hybrid broke off and buried his face in my hair, coming to rest on the edge of the hospital bed instead of the chair he had been occupying before.

"You guys know something, don't you?" I questioned with a sigh "Just tell me, will you?"

Nik tightened his arms around me "Well... Damon found you bleeding at the bottom of the stairs..."

"I fell down the stairs?" I frowned petting Hero with my good hand. He looked up and licked my hand calmingly.

"You were pushed," Jeremy intervened "Elena pushed you down the stairs."

I gaped "What? Are you sure?" When they just shrugged, I glanced at John and Jenna who were still looking a bit disbelieving. I rested my head against Nik's hand "I can't remember at all... But if what you're telling me is true then I can't say I'm too surprised."

A knock sounded at the door and Liz poked her head inside "I see you're awake, Angel. How are you?"

I raised my shoulder in a shrug and groaned when it caused pain to shoot up my back again "Not too great but not bad either. My legs feel kinda weird though... Bit cotton-y."

"I'm getting your doctor." John excused himself and walked out of the room.

"Caroline told me what happened," Liz started "I need you to tell me from your point of view if that's alright."

Jenna shook her head "She just woke up. Do we really have to do this now?"

"If you want the situation dealt with," the Sheriff nodded.

"It's alright, Aunt Jenna..." I smiled at my aunt tiredly "Sorry, Sheriff. I don't really remember what happened."

"That would be your concussion," Meredith Fell pointed out, walking into the room with my uncle following.

I squinted at her "That would explain why it hurts to think..."

"I need all of you to leave, so I can examine my patient," Meredith commanded "Out. Now!"

Liz looked at me "You're sure that you don't remember anything?"

"No," I shook my head "Sorry..."

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