New York: The Sequel Part One

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"Nik," I called out, throwing my arms around the vampire's neck as soon as I saw him. He had been leaning against one of the pillars outside of the Gate, waiting for me. Nik stiffened for a moment, before his arms wrapped around me tightly, inhaling my scent.

"Hello, my Angel," he murmured, pressing a kiss to my cheek "How was your flight?"

I huffed quietly, leaning against him tiredly. I had only been awake for about five hours but I was already exhausted "The airline kicked up a fuss because of Hero and then there was another asshole who had a problem with the fact that he was sitting next to a dog."

Nik chuckled and picked up my suitcase "Come on. Let's get out of here before I decide to drain someone." The vampire wrapped an arm around my waist, for some reason he was way more touchy-feely than last time we met. I assumed it had to do with the fact that we knew each other by now and all the conversations. And all the conversations that Damon interrupted for us. Well, that and the fact that he sent one of his friends to check up on me.

It took us about an hour of small talk to reach Nik's house. Although... 'house' might be the wrong word for it. Manor, Mansion, almost a castle "Jesus Christ," I mumbled, staring up at the building "The Boarding House is big but this... It's huge."

"Boarding House?" Nik questioned, leading me inside.

I nodded "The Salvatore Boarding House. Damon Salvatore is as good as my brother." I grinned up at the vampire "He's the one who always walks in on us talking."

Realization dawned on Nik's face "The very short-lived one?"

"No killing, maiming or hurting my brother," I warned with a snort "He'll probably piss off the wrong person sooner rather than later anyway..."

"That's your brother you're talking about?" the vampire raised an eyebrow "You don't seem to have too much faith in him."

I let out a laugh "Oh, no. I do but Damon is a bit... special." I knelt down and freed Hero from his vest, making him pant happily. As soon as I let go of him, he started jumping up and down, sniffing around the house curiously "Sorry about him," I rolled my eyes "Apparently he's still very much a puppy."

"Don't worry about it, little Red," Nik waved off "How about I show you to your room and then we could do something? Maybe watch a movie?"

I raised an eyebrow at the nickname "I'm not little," I protested with a huff but started smiling a second later "I'd love to though. Movie sounds... relaxing. Just what I need."

Nik smirked "Have you seen the size of you? You definitely are little." His arm wrapped around my shoulders again and he started leading me up the stairs and to a huge room "Here you go. My room is over there." Nik pointed to the door opposite the room he was giving me "If you need anything don't hesitate to come to me. The bathroom is through here."

"This is amazing," I murmured softly "Thanks, Nik. I appreciate you putting up with me while I'm in New York."

"Hey," he urged, placing my suitcase down on the bed. The vampire turned back to me and stared into my eyes "I'm not 'putting up with you', Angel. I want you to be here. Hell, I'm ecstatic to be able to see you again."

I searched his eyes for a moment and then sighed, running a hand through my hair "I'm going to take a shower. I'll be done once I'm done." Nik's expression closed off and he nodded, making to leave the room "Nik, I –"

"Later," he waved me off "Go and take your shower, alright?" With those words, I was alone in the room.

I closed my eyes in despair. Why did I have to mess everything up? I sank to the floor, burying my face in my hands. I liked Nik, I really, really did but I didn't know what to do about it. Talking to him on the phone was different than seeing him again. A part of me was scared of getting too close. In my old world, everyone I cared about was in danger from Voldemort. Cedric died... Cedric. He was someone I hadn't thought about in a while. I think – I think I had a bit of a crush on him... Who hadn't? He was really nice. Even though it took a while for them to believe that I didn't put my name in the Cup. And now I was thinking about it again. It had gotten easier recently to ignore my past life. So much had happened with Elena and vampires and my Art that I was just busy enough not to get too into the past. After all, the future is so much more interesting, even if I'm scared of what it might hold. I'm not afraid of dying, never had been and because of what the Dursleys did, I probably never would be again. I climbed to my feet and gathered some comfortable clothes from my suitcase, making my way to the bathroom. No use of living in the past anymore. Even if it didn't seem like it, I still had time. Nik was a vampire.

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