1x21 Isobel

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As soon as I left the Grill, I felt like something was wrong. Something weird was going on. I felt like I was being followed and I was nervous. Not scared, nervous. I hadn't stopped training my magic, trying out several things on branches and plants so I could probably deal with a threat to me.

A few streets down, I wasn't even surprised to feel a hand pulling me into the dark alley nearby "What have they planned?" a dark voice hissed into my ear, a body pressing me against the wall firmly.

I shifted a bit, feeling a wayward stone poking into my back uncomfortably "What?"

"Don't play with me," the vampire snarled, his hand coming around my neck "I know that the Council planned something. You're a Gilbert. Tell me."

"Wait, how do you know I'm a Gilbert?" I blinked, not even trying to answer his question. This probably had something to do with the Gilbert device but since I hadn't been in town for the last week, I could probably plead innocence long enough to distract him.

The vampire growled, tightening his hand "I heard the Salvatore talking about it with Pearl's daughter. Also, you kind of stand out. Now, what do they have planned."

"Why do you think I know anything? I have been out of town for a week," I said, hiding my nervousness as well as I could. While my magic was tingling, wanting to help me out of the situation, I wasn't sure if I could actually deal with a fully grown vampire.

The man laughed "They told you something."

"Nope. Sorry," I smirked, grabbing a piece of wood I had been levitating towards me slowly. Without a second thought, I shoved the makeshift stake into the heart of the vampire, killing him. Once he was on the floor, dead, I took a shaky breath, leaning against the filthy wall behind me. I killed someone. A vampire but a person nevertheless. Maybe I was more like Voldemort than I thought... We had a similar upbringing after all...

No, I was nothing like him. Nothing! I grabbed Hero's leash, shushing his barking quickly. I pulled him along with me, running back to the Grill "Uncle John," I gasped, throwing myself into my uncle's arms without a second thought.

"Angel?" he frowned "What's wrong?" John tilted up my head, catching my panicked gaze "What happened to your neck?"

"There... vampire... I killed it, Uncle John," I babbled "I killed someone."

His arms came around me tightly and I felt his head resting on mine "Hush, little one. It's alright. You did well." John looked over at Pearl who was still sitting across from him "Could you go and check it out?"

"Of course," she smiled lightly "Where was it?"


I took a couple of breaths, trying to calm myself "Few corners from here. Alley between the apothecary and the abandoned building."

"I will go," Pearl said, smoothing a hand over my hair while she walked past.

As soon as she was gone, I burrowed further into my uncle's arms "Come one, Angel. I'll take you home..."

I nodded lightly and sighed "Sorry. Didn't mean to react like that."

"It's normal. Don't worry about it," he hushed, helping me up. Uncle John grabbed Hero's leash for me and we were out of the door and over by his car in minutes.

"Mr. Gilbert," Pearl called out, hurrying over to us at human speed "I have called Damon to take care of the body. You did good, Angel. He was one of the more... sadistic ones who were smart enough not to be around when Frederick kidnapped the younger of the two brothers."

John helped me into the passenger side again and I smiled at Pearl, completely exhausted now "Thanks. I guess."

I fell asleep sometime during the beginning of the ten-minute car ride and the next time I woke up, I was tucked into my bed with Hero and Blue cuddled up on either side of me.

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