New York

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"How could you not tell me?" Elena demanded as soon as I walked through the front door "Who else did you tell?"

"Jeremy, Jenna and Matt know," I shrugged, walking past her into the kitchen. I hadn't eaten anything since Damon dropped me off here yesterday afternoon and I was starving.

My sister stormed after me "It was my business, Angel. They are safer if they don't know."

"Are you joking?" I snorted "At least now they know not to invite people in. They can protect themselves now."

"What if they tell anyone, huh? I could lose Stefan and Damon because you went around telling everyone their secret," Elena pointed out, shoving me into the counter behind me.

Ah, so that's why she was so bothered. Of course, it's only important what happens to Princess Elena and those she deems good enough "You know what? Screw you. You're not the boss of me – or any of us really. Now excuse me. I have to check my bags... again."

"Why bags?" she questioned nosily.

I rolled my eyes. That definitely showed her interest in what any of us had to say... "If you had been around and listening then you'd know. Hell, Aunt Jenna is telling everyone and their dog."


"Ms. Nelson wants me to go to New York with her tomorrow to present some of my paintings and drawings at an Art show," I explained "Apparently there are going to be tons of important people and buyers."

Elena snorted, a jealous glint in her eyes "As if you're good enough. Your paintings look as if a child painted them."

I shrugged "That's your opinion. Something I'm not really keen on listening to in any case. Oh... Hi, Stefan." I nodded at my sister's boyfriend who was staring at Elena with a bit of shock. Maybe he finally realized how Elena was really like? Not that she acted that way with him but Damon was a different story altogether. She wanted to change him... Make him more human or something, completely ignoring the fact that Damon wasn't human and neither was Stefan. Not anymore. They were vampires, so why should they act like something they're not? And anyway, Damon was a pretty cool guy. Caring too, no matter what others thought about him.

I walked past them up to my room to do some last minute checks. The plane leaves early tomorrow morning, so we'd be there and be ready by noon. Technically, the show starts at two o'clock but Ms. Nelson's friend wanted to meet me beforehand.

From what I could see, I had everything. ID, other important documents for Hero, formal clothes, semi-formal clothes and all of Hero's other stuff. Some of it wasn't too important since I could always buy some more but the vest was incredibly important. He was going to wear it to the airport and on the plane but I still put it on my baggage, just so I wouldn't forget. Well, I hadn't forgotten to put it on, not even with Blue but you couldn't be too careful, right?

A few hours later, I was lying on my bed, doing some of the assignments for the classes I would miss next week. The teachers had given it to me to finish. So far I had everything but my English essay – there were only two hundred words missing – and some Maths problems that looked pretty easy.

"Angel?" Jenna asked, peaking into my room "Are you packed?"

I nodded "I double-checked."

"That's great," she smiled "Are you excited?"

"Do you really have to ask? I'm scared shitless. What if no one likes my paintings?"

Aunt Jenna flopped down on the bed next to me "Hey," she called softly "You're an amazing artist and if they don't like your stuff then it's their loss, right?"

Experience A New Life || Klaus Mikaelson [1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant