2x15 The Dinner Party

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"Do I really have to come on that stupid tour, Aunt Jenna?" I sighed, pulling on my leather jacket. I had been working on paintings the entire night because I was a bit scared to go to sleep and Jay wasn't home "I don't really want anything to do with this. We already established that Elijah isn't interested in writing a book."

Jenna shrugged "He still wants a tour and Carol told me to do what he wants," she murmured "Come on, it won't be that bad."

"You're saying that now," I complained but followed her out of the door and to her car. I really didn't feel like doing anything today but as always, my aunt continued to make decisions for me. Not that I minded too much but it was still a bit annoying. In the car, I curled up on the backseat with Hero and Blue lying on my lap. Today, I was taking out both of them, since I haven't been out with them yet and this was the best opportunity I had.

"Hello, Elijah," Jenna greeted with a small smile. I looked at her incredulously. Was she seriously flirting with Nik's older brother? That was a bit weird. I leaned against a tree a few feet away from them, pulling out my phone 'My aunt's flirting with your brother. It's weird.'

'At least you seem to be having more fun than me.' The answer came immediately, making me wonder what he was doing that was so boring 'I'm shopping with my sister.'

I breathed in sharply 'You undaggered her?'

'Yes,' he replied 'And I'm regretting every second of it.'

'I'm sure it's not that bad,' I typed quickly, glancing up at my aunt's knowing look "What?" I asked defensively.

She shook her head with a smile "It's just interesting to see how happy you are when you write with this guy."

"Is that a problem?"

"Not at all," Aunt Jenna said "You changed so much in the last few months. To be better that is. I'm really happy for you."

I nodded with a small grin "Thank you." I glanced at Elijah "Sorry for that. My aunt is a bit of a... sap."

Jenna gasped, a hand to her heart "I am not."

"Face it," I snorted, glancing down at my phone when it buzzed 'We have so far been to twenty clothing stores and Bekah is still complaining about the style.'

'Yeah, I guess it's a bit different from the 20s...'

I bit my lip to keep from chuckling at the exasperated emoji he sent back 'I'm this close on giving up on shopping with her. You weren't nearly this complicated.'

'Maybe because I'm no thousand-year-old vampire... That's something you don't say often.'

I walked after Jenna and Elijah when they started walking towards the old Fell property. I wasn't too interested in what my aunt was saying since I knew most of it. Hero and Blue were running around my feet happily, chasing each other. I shook my head at them. They were still puppies at heart, no matter how old they actually were.

'Are you Nik's girlfriend?' I blinked down at the message and smirked in amusement. Rebekah must have somehow gotten the phone off of her brother. Maybe he annoyed her with paying more attention to it than her? That's something that I could see happening.

I tilted my head in thought 'I'd say so, yes. Pleasure to meet you, Rebekah.'

'You're good. What's your name? How old are you? How do y...' The message cut off abruptly and I smiled when I got another message a minute later 'Sorry about that, little Red. She stole my phone.'

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