1x03 Friday Night Bites

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I was standing next to Jeremy in front of the school when Vicki came up to us, smiling "Hey, Jer, Angel."

"Hello, Vicki," I greeted quietly "Are you feeling better?"

"Much," she nodded "Hey, I scored two tickets to the Posers Saturday night. They're playing at the Rat."

Jay looked up at her weirdly "You and Tyler have fun."

"Don't be like that," the older girl pouted "Come on. I want you to go. We're friends, right?"

I looked from one to the other and then slowly backed off "I have to... you know, go. If I'm late for Tanner's class he'll... Bye."

I heard their laughter trail after me as I hurried through the corridors to the one class I hated the most. History every day wouldn't be half as bad if Tanner wasn't the teacher. God, I just wished some animal would have attacked that guy instead of Vicki.

In class, Bonnie was doodling on her notebook, I was petting Blue and Elena was whispering to Stefan. Needless to say, no one paid Mr. Tanner any attention.

"World War Two ended in... Anyone got anything? Miss Juan? 1945." He glared around the classroom to look for his next victim "Pearl Harbour? Miss Gilbert?"

My head snapped up but I relaxed when I saw him angled toward Elena "Hm?" my sister blinked, startled.

"Pearl Harbour?"

Elena froze with wide eyes "Um..." How could she not know? This was supposed to be general knowledge, right?

"December 7, 1941," Stefan completed smoothly.

Tanner turned to the Salvatore in irritation "Thank you, Miss Gilbert."

"Anytime," he grinned back cheekily. I smirked at his attitude.

"Very well." Tanner straightened and I could see the challenge in his eyes "The fall of the Berlin Wall."

"1989," Stefan answered immediately "I'm good with dates, sir."

The History teacher sneered "Are you? How good? Keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act."


"John F. Kennedy assassination."


"Martin Luther King."



"1865." I would have known most of those but Stefan just looked bored. Well, he probably was while Tanner got more and more frustrated and irritated.

"Roe vs. Wade."


"Brown vs. Board."


"The battle of Gettysburg."


"Korean War."

"1950 to 1953."

Tanner suddenly grinned "Ha! It ended in '52."

Stefan blinked "Uh, actually, sir, it was '53."

"Look it up, somebody. Quickly," Tanner snapped, his eyes still on Stefan.

I shifted in my seat "Stefan's right, sir. It was 1953."

"Did you look it up?" he glared.

I rolled my eyes "No, sir. But you gave me an assignment on the Korean War last year. It ended in 1953."

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