Staircase of Changes

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I'm sorry. I know I promised a double update but this turned out longer than the Original chapter, so I need to take another few days to complete the next...

But I was told that this chapter is better than the other was, so I hope that you guys will like it as well.



Damon was walking up the driveway to the Gilbert house. He needed to talk to Angel about something. The older Salvatore hadn't been sure what was going on when Stefan returned from trying to stop the ritual. They just had their first real heart to heart since they were turned... Damon wasn't sure what changed his brother so much but Rebekah seemed to have an idea. She wouldn't tell him though. The female Original had decided to stay at the Boarding House after he undaggered her and the two of them were getting along great.

As soon as he reached the front door, he smelt blood... Angel's blood. Without wasting time with knocking, he kicked in the door only to find his almost-sister lying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs lifelessly "No," he whispered, falling to his knees next to her "Angel?" The vampire carefully put his fingers onto her neck. While he could hear her heart beating unsteadily, he just needed to feel her heart beating... "Don't do this to me... Please?" Unsure of the extent of her injuries, he didn't dare to turn her around and bit into his wrist hastily. Just as he was about to press it against her lips, he heard growling from the living room. Oh, how could he have forgotten Angel's dogs? Of course, they would have protected the girl... He quickly urged the half-dead girl to drink his blood, pulling out his phone with the other hand, dialing 911. The vampire quickly relied the necessary information and hung up, shaking from the shock of what he found when he arrived. Damon ran a hand over Angel's hair and pressed a kiss to her forehead "It'll all be alright." He didn't dare leave her before the ambulance got here, not even to check on what the two canines in the other room were doing.

It took about ten minutes for the ambulance to arrive and he quickly stumbled out of the way when the EMTs burst through the already open door. They immediately got to work once they saw the severity of the situation and barked orders at each other "What happened?" the younger man – Sam, if Damon remembered him correctly – questioned.

"I don't know," the older Salvatore brother shook his head "I just found her like..." His head snapped in the direction of the living room and he half ran, half walked off. Damon froze in the doorway when he saw Elena huddled in the corner of the room with Blue on one side and Hero on the other. The dogs were standing over the girl, ready to attack at the smallest indication of a threat.

Elena looked up at the vampire with a relieved smile "Damon. Can you get them away from me?"

Damon blinked, trying to catch up with what his mind was telling him. Elena did this? She had pushed Angel down the stairs? The girl who actually helped her sister to survive the ritual? "Why did you do it?"

"Do what?" the Doppelgänger questioned, the innocence in her voice sounded as fake to him as her expression looked.

"Don't give me that, Elena," he snapped "Why did you hurt Angel?"

Elena tilted her head "Because she's a fucking bitch, that's why," she spat "Did you know that she's shagging the bastard who killed me?"

The vampire had to close his eyes for a moment before he ripped the Doppelgänger's throat out. And here he was thinking no one could get worse than Katherine. As soon as Damon looked at Elena again, he surged forward, ripping off her vervain necklace "You're lucky that Angel needs me more that I need to avenge her at the moment." He glared into her eyes "You will not leave this house until either me, your family or the Sheriff will come to get you. You will not contact anyone... You will just sit here and be quiet." Damon gave a sharp nod and whirled around "Blue, guard. Hero... Heel." The Border Collie turned back to watching the Doppelgänger with sharp eyes, while Hero immediately went to follow Damon to where the paramedics were finishing up "How is she?"

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