2x16 The House Guest

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"Angel, wake up," a voice ripped me from my dreams.

I groaned, rubbing my eyes tiredly "Huh?"

"Come on, love," the voice I now recognized as Pearl's called out again "You have to go to school."

"But I'm tired," I whined, about to flop back onto the bed.

Uncle John sat down next to me "Angel, you know that you can't miss school. We already let you skip yesterday. Not so close to the summer vacation."

"Urgh," I mumbled, fighting to get up "Wait… How did I get here?"

"I carried you," Uncle John smiled "After you fell asleep in the car."

I blinked "Right. And that was right after Alaric stabbed Elijah in the back…" I stopped for a moment before I shook my head "What were those idiots thinking?"

Uncle John hummed "That's a good question. Hey, did you find out anything else about this Klaus person and the ritual?"

"Erm," I shifted in my seat "Maybe…? Listen, the way it looks now… Elena won't survive." When I saw him about to say something, I interrupted "I'm looking for a way at the moment."

John shook his head "How are the chances?"

"Slim to none if Klaus doesn't want her to survive," I sighed, pulling my hair back into a high ponytail.

"So what do we do?" my uncle questioned, grabbing Pearl's hand tightly.

I got up and leaned down to pick my bag "I'm going to school. We'll figure it out, alright?"

"Tell Matt that if he wants to go with us, he'll have to decide soon," Uncle John shouted after me.

"Sure thing," I called back.

At school, I saw Matt putting up a poster for the Live music night at the Grill. Before I could walk over though, Caroline joined him. From the way Care looked, it wasn't going well. Not that I could blame either of them… The newly turned vampire did spend a bit too much time with Tyler… "Matty," I called when I saw the blond boy walk away.

"Angel?" Matt stopped and waited for me to catch up "What is it?"

I raised a hand to my chest "You hurt me, dear sir. What makes you think that I want something?"

Matt laughed "We haven't really hung out that much…"

"I'm so sorry," I murmured with a slight grimace.

"Hey, it's fine," the blond boy assured me "I can't say I blame you. Your art, your new boyfriend and then the whole mess that's been happening here?"

I hugged him tightly "That doesn't excuse anything, Matty. The reason why I wanted to talk to you was because Uncle John wants to know whether you'd go with them or not."

"I think I might," he nodded "Lately, everything has been reminding me of Vickie… I'll call him after school."

"Awesome," I grinned.

A voice from behind me, made me turn in surprise "Sorry?" A familiar blonde was standing behind me with a piece of paper clutched in her hand "You wouldn't know where the History classroom is?"

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