2x07 Masquerade

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I was at the Grill when I once again saw the dark haired man that I had seen over the last few days. There was something weird going on here and I didn't like it. Damon might think that I'm oblivious to anything going on around me but most of it is acting now. I was more than aware of who was following me when.

Since the guy was apparently lost in thoughts at the moment, I stalked to the table he was at and threw my books down in front of him "Okay. Why are you following me?"

"What?" the guy blinked, staring up at me in surprise.

I rolled my eyes and flopped down into the chair opposite of him "Don't give me that. I'm not oblivious. I just choose to ignore things that are not an immediate danger to me or people I love. Who are you and why are you following me?"

"I'm Maddox," the guy murmured, still staring at me in shock.

"Nice to meet you," I nodded, pulling my books back towards me. One step at a time, Angel. I think I just shocked that guy a bit too much... Probably didn't expect me to confront him or even notice the fact that he was following me around "And you are here...?"

Maddox blinked again before he relaxed with a small snort "I can see why he likes you."

"He?" I demanded.

"Nik," the guy replied, hesitating slightly on the name "I was asked to look after you by Nik."

I let out a laugh "Ah. Have I finally given him enough heart attacks with my involuntary stunts? Sorry, you're stuck with babysitting duty."

Maddox nodded "Apparently. But I don't mind. I actually wanted to meet the girl who can get under the boss's skin. I've never seen him the way he's when he talks to or about you."

"Is that good?" I questioned quietly, unsure. While I was pretty sure that Nik liked me, I wasn't too sure whether he actually wanted me. No one had before. My... issues had always scared them off before.

"That's awesome and from what I have seen, I understand where he's coming from," Maddox pointed out.

I shot him a small smile "There's an easier way to find out about me. I'm Angel Gilbert," I introduced myself, holding out my hand for him to shake.

He grabbed it with a small grin "Maddox."

Just when he was about to say anything else, I saw the person I had been looking for. Katherine was coming out of the girl's bathroom, looking like a cat that caught the canary. I wrote down my phone number on a napkin and threw him a quick smile "Excuse me. There's someone I have to talk about. It was nice to meet you though. If there's anything you or Nik want to know just ask." I got up from the chair and quickly grabbed my books, walking after the vampire "Katherine."

"Oh, hey. Angel, right?" she asked, stopping in the parking lot.

"Yes, Angel," I nodded and glared at her lightly "Listen. I don't care who you are or what you're trying but please leave my family out of it."

Katherine raised an eyebrow "I can't leave Elena out of it," she pointed out "She's literally the epicenter of everything."

"I'm not talking about Elena," I rolled my eyes "I want you to stay away from Jenna, Jeremy and John."

"And what are you going to do if I don't? If I recall your Aunt was pretty easy to compel."

I hissed, my eyes flashing "Bad idea, Katherine." My magic reached out and wrapped around her like a cocoon, causing her quite a bit of pain "I'm asking you nicely. Please leave my family and maybe Damon out of your shit and I won't be a problem either."

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