1x13 Children of the Damned

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The next day, I was drawing in the kitchen while I listened to music. It wasn't loud enough for me to drown out the conversation Stefan and Elena were having only a few feet away though. Apparently, they thought that I couldn't hear them, otherwise, I doubted they would be talking about this...

"Do you think Damon really believes us?" Elena questioned, combing through the boy that had most of Jonathan Gilbert's old stuff.

Stefan shrugged "I don't think Damon knows what to believe. Trust isn't something that comes naturally to him." Wow... And I thought Elena was a crappy sister but Stefan really topped the scales in that regard. Damon is his brother... He wasn't as bad as the younger Salvatore tried to make him out. Not even remotely.

"You know," Elena sighed "I really think that Damon believes that everything he's done, every move that he's made, he's done for love. It's twisted but kind of sad."

"There are other ways to get what you want," Stefan pointed out "You don't have to kill people. Damon has no regard for human life. He enjoys inflicting pain on others. For 145 years, every single time that I have let my guard down and let Damon back into my life, he's done something to make me regret it. I'm not going to make that mistake again."

I clenched the pencil in my hand tightly. How dare he? I might not know what Damon was up to but seriously? He was an alright kind of guy for a bloodsucker... The Damon I knew and the Damon Stefan described were worlds apart. From experience, I'd say that the younger brother must have done something for Damon to act that way towards him. Hell, even Voldemort didn't start out evil... The orphanage and later Dumbledore pushed him in that direction. Sure, he hurt me but that didn't mean that I was blind to the story.

My sister exhaled loudly "So what do you think will happen if the tomb gets opened and Damon gets Katherine back?"

"I think no matter what Damon promises, a lot of people will die," the vampire mused. Elena grunted, picking up a photo from the box. Stefan got up and stood behind her, examining it "That's Jonathan Gilbert."

Elena picked something from the box and frowned at it, puzzled "What's this?" The way Stefan looked, it had to be the muzzle that was used on the vampires to stop them from attacking.

"What are you guys doing?" Jeremy questioned, coming into the room.

"Hey," Elena nodded "Just going through some of the stuff, feeling sentimental. Dad had this old family journal from years ago. I thought I'd dig it up."

I had paused the music and exchanged a look with my younger brother "Jonathan Gilbert's journal?" Jay raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Elena replied suspiciously "What do you know about it?"

Jay shrugged "I just did a History report on it."

"Oh. So where is it now?" our sister asked, trying and failing to sound casual.

"Mr. Saltzman has it," I told her "He was interested in it, I think." I don't think I've seen people run out of a room this quickly before. If they were trying to keep us in the dark, they weren't doing a good job at it.

"What was that?" Jay blinked after them, coming to sit next to me.

"I think I need to talk to Damon," I sighed, rubbing a hand over my face. The first time I consciously looked down at my drawing, I startled. Why did I draw Logan? It was the perfect image of him standing over me with a gun pointed at me... I closed the sketchbook with a snap and pushed it away from me quickly. Dammit... "They were talking about some tomb he wants to open to let Katherine out or something."

'Need you to come here. Found out something important,' I texted the dark-haired vampire quickly.

Not even ten minutes later, Damon was at the front door "So?" he asked, getting straight to the point.

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