1x10 The Turning Point

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The morning after I outed myself to the vampire version like Logan Fell, I had almost completely forgotten the man's reaction to it. After school today the career fair was supposed to start and I promised Aunt Jenna that I would be there as well. Lately, we usually made a bit of a game out of going to events like those.

Jeremy was downstairs already when I walked down in my running clothes "Hey Jay. What are you doing?"

"Angel?" he startled, almost dropping the sketchpad he was holding "You scared me."

I held up my hands "Sorry about that. I forgot that you get in the 'zone' when you start drawing..." I squinted at the demonic looking drawing of a vampire "Is that from Jonathan Gilbert's journal? It looks like something our ancestor drew."

"It is actually," my brother nodded, noticing my chosen outfit "Are you going out for a run?"

I nodded "Yeah. I feel like I need it if I'm going to have to survive tonight. Plus, it keeps me away from school for a bit longer... Since we don't have classes today and everything."

"Be careful," Aunt Jenna told me, coming in from the direction of the hallway.

"Always," I grinned "I'm not taking Hero with me. He'll have enough to do later on..." I exited the front door after my aunt knew where I was going. Matt, Jay and I had taken to tell Aunt Jenna where we were going, so she was always aware that we were out. She had become a bit paranoid after we told her what really happened to Vicki. It was fine though... I didn't mind at all. Not if it made her more comfortable with the whole situation.

It didn't take me long to reach the woods for my usual route. I put in my headphones and started running at a quick pace. Whenever I was running, I liked to contemplate about my life and shit. Mostly about things like the people I left behind. What happened to Sirius and Professor Lupin? I mean, in the books here they died, right? So did they survive now that I wasn't there to... to get them killed? Was it me that killed the people I was close to? It would speak for mom and dad dying... But no... That was Elena's fault. I wasn't even able to sweet talk it. If she hadn't gotten drunk and in a fight with Matt that night, nothing would have happened. I was pretty deep in the woods and sunlight was pretty much rare here. The trees were blocking most of the warmth and light off.

Suddenly I was ripped out of my thoughts by a large, covered form that tackled me to the forest ground "Well, well, well... Who do we have here?" I heard a mocking voice from the man on top of me "Not so smug now, are you?"

"Logan," I gasped, struggling against his grip. There was nothing I could do to get free and I didn't want to use my magic in front of him... He had been a part of the Council and I couldn't risk anyone finding out about me right now. Maybe in the future but not at the moment. There was also the fact that I had no idea how to kill a vampire with my magic... The fire spell was way too unpredictable and would probably fry me to a crisp along with him. I could only hope that he would leave me alone long enough for me to escape him.

My aunt's ex smirked down at me "Surprised? I think you're going to come with me, little girl."

"What do you want with me?" I couldn't quite hold back the little tremor that was in my voice. The only thing that could ease my mind a little was the fact that my blood tasted like crap to vampires. Damon told me so after I cut my finger a while ago. Oh God no... Damon. Hopefully, the slimy guy behind me didn't know about my friendship with Damon. Otherwise, I doubted that I would get out of the whole mess in one piece.

He shoved me forward, making me stumble over a log that was in my way "You will tell me what you know about Damon Salvatore." Not so much luck then... Dammit.

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