1x14 Fool Me Once

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Over the next day, I tried several things with my magic. It was way easier than I would have thought it to be... Why I didn't learn before, I didn't know... When Damon came to pick me up, I had already successfully blown up a glass and fixed it. Might not be too much but at least I could blow up a vampire now if they decide to attack me. Once they were down, I could always set them on fire or find a stake or something... Hmh. Maybe I could actually try to transfigure or even conjure a stake. I'll put that down under long-term goals.

"Are you ready?" Damon questioned, leaning against the doorway of my room.

I nodded "Where are we going anyway?"

He smirked "How would you feel if I take you to meet a real-life witch?"

"What?" I stuttered, freezing in my tracks. Witch? There were witches here? Oh, right. I forgot... Didn't I talk to Damon about it just yesterday? Well, no matter. I was somewhat curious about their magic though. Would it be similar to what I can do or were they more restricted?

"Come on," Damon waved, walking out of the house and over to his car "The Bennett line has been quite powerful for ages."

"Hold on," I raised an eyebrow "Bonnie really is a witch? Well, what an unexpected surprise... That means Sheila Bennett is one as well?"

The vampire nodded, focussing on the road "Yup. They can help with opening the tomb. Anna is trying to convince Bonnie to do it right now, while I am supposed to talk to Sheila."

"And you think they will agree?" I questioned doubtfully. Hmh... Maybe there was something I could do? I didn't know too much magic but if the spell was explained in a book, I shouldn't have too much of a problem, right? Even back at Hogwarts, I always got a spell on the first few tries, not that the teachers ever noticed it. They were always so focused on Granger. I doubted I could pull off something as big as that though... It was a bit too big for me at the moment but I would help both Damon and Anna in any way I could.

"I doubt it," the vampire snorted "But I need to try anyway."

Not ten minutes later, we were both standing in front of Sheila's front door, waiting for her to open "Yes?"

"Hi there," Damon smiled politely "I was wondering if... if we could talk to you for a minute?"

Sheila narrowed her eyes and then glanced at me suspiciously "You've got some nerve knocking on a Bennett witch's door, asking her for anything."

The older Salvatore blinked "What did I do?"

"Spirits talk, Mr. Salvatore, and so does my granddaughter. You're no friend to us, now get off my porch," Sheila snarled.

I put my hand on Damon's arm, stopping him from saying anything "Damon," I warned lightly "This won't get you what you need." I turned to the old witch, eyeing her carefully "Why will you not help him? I understand that he did bad things in the past but if I'm completely honest with you then so did you. I might not know what but everyone did things they regret. Or are you simply condemning Damon because he's a vampire?"

"What would you know?" Bonnie's grandmother questioned.

"I know a lot," I told her "I know about Emily and I know what happened to her. Humans are prejudiced and apparently, so are witches but he wouldn't have come here if he planned on harming you."

Sheila turned to the vampire with a raised eyebrow and Damon nodded "I really only want to talk. Please, can you at least think about helping me open the tomb?"

"And unleash all of those vampires?" she mocked "I don't think so. Get off my porch."

I tilted my head at the old witch, reaching out with my magic. What the –? Stefan and Elena had already talked to the woman apparently. They thought they were being clever by going behind the older brother's back... again. The witches along with my sister and Damon's brother decided to open the tomb without Damon being any wiser. Elena was being herself again, wanting what she couldn't have. First, she played with Matt, now she was with Stefan and wanted Damon at the same time. I was just glad that the older vampire didn't really care for my sister too much. Sure, he wanted his brother to be happy with the Katherine look-alike but he himself wasn't too into her. I pulled the strand of magic back, slipping out of the woman's mind. Whilst it had been protected, my magic was different than the mind magic they could do, so it was relatively easy to do "Come on, Damon. There's nothing you can do here."

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