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I lived with the Gilberts for eight years now and I was really proud of myself. Despite everything that was going on I was getting better. Correction, I had been getting better until Grayson and Miranda...

Elena had snuck out of the house for a party that she wasn't allowed to go to. She apparently called our parents, drunk out of her mind and demanded to be picked up. The car with all three of them inside... Let's just say that neither mom nor dad survived the accident. Needless to say that this had been the biggest setback I had since I got adopted. My childhood had been so much better the second time. The only thing I could have done without were the attacks I quite frequently had. Aunt Jenna came to live with us since Miranda had named her our guardian.

The funeral was tomorrow and I wasn't sure what was more terrifying. The fact that I had to enter a graveyard or the fact that I would never see my parents again. In one of the many conversations I had with Dr. Killian, we talked about calling Grayson and Miranda 'mom' and 'dad'. Despite my birth parents' love for me, I never really had adults I could really count on, so it took me quite a while to be comfortable with those titles.

"Can I come in?" Jeremy murmured from the door of my room.

I wiped at my wet eyes and scooted to the side, making Blue move with me. My Service Dog had always been incredibly helpful for me. Whenever I got overwhelmed or panicked, he warned me beforehand. At the moment, he was lying on my lap just offering as much comfort with his furry warmth as he could.

Jay flopped down on the bed next to me, looking worse for the wear. I don't think either of us had slept since we got the message of their death "I miss them," he whispered, clutching my hand. I curled up next to my little big brother after I moved Blue out of the way for now. The dog didn't want to leave me though and instead planted himself onto Jeremy's and my stomachs. That got us to chuckle a little, but the mood sobered up quickly.

"I miss them too," I sniffled "Even though they only took me in, they were the parents I never had."

My brother kissed my forehead lightly "And you're their daughter and my sister. Angel, this won't change anything. You know that, right?" I bit my lip and buried my face in his shoulder. Truthfully, I was a little scared that I would have to leave them now. Jenna could barely cope with only herself to look after. What would she do with three teenagers? Especially one as damaged as me... "Don't, Tiny. Don't even think about that. Aunt Jenna and even Uncle John love you so much. There's no way you're getting rid of us... and me."

I couldn't help but grin weakly at one of Jeremy's nicknames. There were so many that it was hard to keep track of, but most commonly he just called me 'Tiny' because even with appropriate nutrition, I still barely reached 5'. It was annoying to always look up at people, especially when you're surrounded by huge people who are way too close for your liking. The people in town knew who I was and most of the adults were aware of my background, so they always gave me the space I needed. At school, the only ones who knew were my teachers and most of my classmates. I think I was eleven when Dr. Killian came to school with me to explain to the others what exactly my problem was. He didn't go into details, but for children, it was horrifying enough to only hear part of it. That was also the moment that both Bonnie and Caroline apologized to me. Elena apparently told them that I was an attention seeker and was faking to get the attention off of her. I didn't care much, but I knew that we probably never would be friends after what they did.

"We should probably get some sleep," I pointed out unwillingly. Honestly, I was kind of scared of the nightmares I was sure would come, but there was no way I could survive the graveyard tomorrow if I didn't at least try to catch some sleep. Jeremy shifted a bit and I tightened my grip when I thought he'd leave "Stay?"

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