Mistress of Death

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It seems like some of you had the right idea xD Here is the next chapter.



Kol groaned in pain, looking around "Shouldn't I be dead?" he asked himself. Where the hell was he? There was a seriously creepy looking forest behind him and a huge castle up ahead. All in all, not what he would have expected from the Other Side.

"You should be but you aren't," an ominous voice whispered from behind the Original.

The vampire flinched and whirled around, ready to fight whoever was standing behind him. It was a black cloaked figure that was a little bit taller than him "Who are you?"

"I'm Death," the figure hummed "I apologize for killing you... It wasn't my intention but I had to talk to you."

Kol tilted his head in confusion "What the bloody hell do you mean? You didn't kill me."

"I did. Indirectly," Death shrugged "But that doesn't matter. There is something we have to talk about." He gestured towards the castle "Let's take a walk."

"Speaking of a walk," the Original pointed out "What the bloody hell is this place?"

Death looked around "Hogwarts."

"As in the school Angel went to?" the vampire frowned in confusion.

"Ah, now here is the question of the hour," the cloaked figure nodded, starting up the path.

Kol stared after him... it?... for a moment before he quickly followed "This has something to do with Angel?"

"In a matter of speaking, yes," Death agreed "The story is this..." Kol listened in fascination and a little bit of awe. What the entity was telling him sounded unbelievable... More than that. Even for a vampire, the story was a little hard to believe.


When the light receded, Kol could see Angel staring at him with wide eyes "How?"

Nik made a noise at the back of his throat "That's what I would like to know."

"I can explain?" the formerly dead Original offered sheepishly, rocking back on his heels. Before anything else could happen, the younger of the two brothers found himself tackled into a hug by his brother's girlfriend. His eyes locked onto Klaus' figure as the Hybrid slowly came closer. When Angel let go, Kol found himself in another hug. Before he could do so much as react, Klaus had pulled back, with a last pat to the younger Mikaelson's back.

"Maybe we should take this inside?" Angel questioned. She quickly tried to get rid of the tears that were streaming down her cheeks "I'm sure the others want to see you as well."

Kol shook his head "Not quite yet. There's something I have to tell you. Something that will change everything."

The red-haired girl raised her eyebrow "Even more than someone coming back from the dead? I saw you die..."

"He didn't tell me that," the younger Original remarked, his eyes flashing in annoyance "Okay, Angel... What do you know about the Deathly Hallows?"

"The what now?" Angel frowned "Aren't they part of the book series that was about my male counterpart?"

Kol ran a hand through his hair "I think so? I never finished the series but... Here." He pulled out some items that Death gave him earlier.

"That's my cloak," Angel breathed "I got this in my First Year. Kol? Where did you get this?"

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