With Klaus

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Klaus hung up the phone after another frustrating and heart attack inducing call with Angel. How one person could get into this much trouble, he'll never know. Even the Hybrid himself wasn't quite that bad.

The Original met the girl a while ago in New York and had to admit that she was something else. Not only were her paintings done brilliantly, she was also smart, funny and couldn't care less about his past. As much as he liked to be feared, Angel was a nice change.

"Maddox," Klaus called, waiting for his warlock friend to join him in the living room. There were only two witches along with several compelled humans in the mansion with him at the moment. Maddox along with a young witch called Greta. He didn't like her much but she was powerful and would be useful, especially since he heard that after she came to him, her father made a deal with his older brother, Elijah. The Hybrid always had a witch around in case he suddenly found another Doppelgänger. Katerina had escaped him about five hundred years ago and since she came about five hundred years after Tatia, it would make sense that there was going to be another Petrova around soon.

"Klaus?" the warlock questioned, entering the room.

The vampire Hybrid gestured for the other man to take a seat. He really enjoyed the warlock's company. Maddox never yearned for his attention and said exactly what he thought. Compared to most people, that was really refreshing "I need you to do something for me." When Maddox nodded, Klaus continued "I want you to go to Mystic Falls and... There's someone there who is very important to me. I need you to look after them."

The warlock tilted his head "Your mystery girl?"

"How do you know?" the Original narrowed his eyes, glaring at his friend. Yes, he had friends. They were few and far in between but he did occasionally enjoy the company of some people.

"Greta," the warlock smirked "She loves to bitch about the fact that you're hung up on someone else."

"I'm not hung up on her," Klaus protested, ignoring the rest of the statement for now. He would have to deal with Greta later. That girl had no sense of privacy and her little crush on him was getting annoying.

Maddox nodded sarcastically "Keep telling yourself that."

"Hey," Klaus snorted "Less cheek out of you."

"Sorry, old man," the warlock laughed, ducking the cushion that was sailing towards his head.

The Original rolled his eyes "You're way too comfortable with me."

"What can I say?" Maddox shrugged and leaned forward curiously "So, about that girl."

"Angel," Klaus interrupted "Her name is Angel Gilbert."

"You really do like her, don't you?"

Klaus sighed and ran a hand through his hair "There's something about her that just draws me in. Angel... She never cared about my past and she doesn't care that I'm a vampire."

Maddox nodded "Then I'm honoured that you trust me enough to look after her. She sounds like a nice girl."

"She really is," the Hybrid smiled "And a real trouble magnet. I don't think that I was this close to having a heart attack or several..."

"She's keeping you on your toes and you're not even together," Maddox snorted "I approve."

Klaus mumbled something unflattering under his breath but smiled at the warlock's words. It was good that he could count on him to look after Angel for a while. At least until Klaus himself could move to Mystic Falls and there was no 'maybe' about it. He would definitely go there as soon as his business allowed it.

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