1x07 Haunted

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After Sheriff Forbes left with Vicki's body, I herded the two boys upstairs and into Jeremy's room "You'll stay with us tonight, Matt. I don't think it's a good idea to leave you on your own..."

The blond boy nodded and sank down on the edge of the bed "Who did that to Vick?"

I bit my lip "I'm pretty sure I know exactly who it was. I'll deal with it tomorrow."

"You're so different," Matt marvelled.

"I know," I smiled weakly "I can't help it though... Only Jay, Aunt Jenna and Uncle John know this side of me. Well and now you do too."

He pulled me into a hug "I like it. Thank you again. I don't think I would have known what to do otherwise."

"No problem, Matt," I replied "Do you know what you'll do now that Vicki is gone?"

Matt shook his head "No. I don't even know how I'm supposed to pay the bills."

"Maybe you could stay with us," Jeremy spoke up "We'll have to talk to Aunt Jenna but I don't think she'll care. You're mature enough to not get into trouble. Right, Tiny?"

"Don't call me that," I grumbled "He's more mature than you any day."

Jeremy laughed a bit and ruffled my hair "You think you're better? That's cute."

"Are you two always like that?" Matt smiled, shaking his head. Success. At least we could distract him for a little while...

I nodded "Probably, yeah." I glanced at the clock on Jay's wall with a small frown "We should probably try to sleep. School is in a few hours. Although we might be able to get out for a few days because of what happened... Liz said she would come by in the morning to talk to Jenna."

"Angel," Matt spoke up hesitatingly "How do you know so much about vampires?"

"There's something you have to understand about this town. Mystic Falls has a history with vampires... Most notably in the 1860s. The Founders' Council found out about them and rounded them up. Do you remember when Stefan told Tanner about the civilian casualties?" The blond boy nodded in confusion "The civilians were vampires. The Council imprisoned them in a tomb underneath the church, I believe. At least that's what it said in Jonathan Gilbert's journal."

"Wait, they are still in there?"

I nodded "Yeah, but it's been over a century. They should have desiccated by now."

Jeremy frowned "What does that even mean?"

"Desiccation is a weakness of immortals that usually occurs when their bodies slow down due to the lack of blood consumption. It's a process that takes a bit of time when done the normal way. Although there are several other methods that work just as well. Spells for one and even bleeding out the body or stopping the heart," I explained.

"Woah... You really know a lot, don't you?" Matt muttered, letting a huge yawn escape.

I pushed him to lay on one side of Jeremy's big bed, while I curled up between the two boys "I think we really should catch some sleep. Do you need something to help you sleep, Matt? I think we still have some of mom's old sleeping pills."

"No," the blond shook his head, pulling me closer in a brotherly manner "Do you mind?"

"I don't," I told him quietly "Jay regularly missuses me as a teddy bear."

Jeremy poked my back "Hey, it's the other way around."

"No it's not," I argued "Now shut up. I'm tired."

My brother grumbled a bit but quieted down and soon all three of us dropped into an uneasy sleep.

I woke up to quiet voices a few hours later. Without opening my eyes, I spread out my magic, analysing the room's occupants. Two of them were, of course, Matt and Jeremy who were both sleeping. At the doorway there were two more signatures that I recognized as Aunt Jenna and... was that Liz? I hadn't been around her too often so I was unfamiliar with her signature.

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