A Way to Survival

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Two weeks after Rebekah had arrived in Mystic Falls, I was lounging on Maddox bed with the Original, while Maddox was sitting at the desk that was in the room. We had been trying to find a way for the Doppelgänger to survive the ritual for ages and not get any closer.

"Wait," I murmured, dislodging Rebekah from my stomach when I sat up sharply "So... If we could just put together a Potion... To replenish the blood she lost. What if we could make something like that?"

Maddox tilted his head "The question is whether the ritual would work if we do that. Because Klaus would need to drain her of blood completely."

I groaned and flopped back down "Damn. That could have been good."

"Hey, when is Nik coming anyway?" Bekah questioned.

"No clue. Sometime today? Tomorrow?" I shrugged "He wouldn't tell me."

Rebekah shook her head with a smirk "I have no clue what you did to my brother..."

"What if..." Maddox started, staring at the wall in thought "What if we try for a Potion that replenishes her blood after it restarts her heart?"

"But how would we do that?" I frowned "I mean, technically we could combine the Potion with adrenaline? It would take a bit of experimenting. Think we could get it to work in a week?"

The Warlock hummed "If we get the Martins to help we could get it together in half that time. Klaus will probably bring Greta and her brother and father are still here."

"I'm not too sure whether we can combine magic with medicine though," I pointed out "As far as I know it never worked in the past." Then a thought came to me "I think I can get another witch to help us."

"Who?" Maddox tilted his head.

"Sheila Bennett."

Rebekah choked "You don't think that anyone related to Bonnie Bennett will actually help a vampire, do you?"

"Sheila will," I told her "She would have died if I hadn't saved her. Ever since then she stayed away from the events that are happening around here. I don't think she's too happy with Bonnie at the moment."

"I don't discriminate against other Witches but that girl is a real piece of work," Maddox shook his head "She's in way over her head."

I nodded "I know, right? I don't really get the whole hating vampire stuff that most of your kind have going on. If vampires weren't supposed to exist, then they wouldn't."

"I know," the Warlock nodded "Why do you think I approached Klaus?"

Rebekah raised an eyebrow "You approached Nik? It's usually the other way around."

Maddox shrugged with a quirked grin and glanced down at his phone when it rang "Yes? Sure... Yeah... They're here." When he hung up, Bekah and I just looked at him "That was Klaus. He just arrived."

"He's here?" I asked, getting up with a smile. I really missed him... Texting and talking over the phone just wasn't the same.

"Yeah. He should be here in a few minutes." He sat down in the space I had occupied until a moment ago and pulled out a notepad "So we're going to get together with the others and work on the solution...?"

I scratched my head "Tomorrow? You take the Martins and I take Sheila?"

"Done," the Warlock grinned "Shouldn't be too hard to get them on board."

"Aren't they working against Nik?" I pointed out with a grin.

Maddox hummed "Technically. But they only want Greta back and since she'll be there... They'll help."

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