2x12 The Descent

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The next day, I was meeting Damon at the Grill. He had told me everything that I missed over the last week and I was a bit stunned to realize just how much it was...

I frowned at Damon "So, wait. Elena was kidnapped by people who wanted to give her to Elijah to give to this Klaus person. Why?"

"To break the curse of the Sun and the Moon," the older Salvatore brother explained patiently.

"Right and that curse needs a Doppelgänger?" I questioned, slightly suspicious. Didn't Nik say something about a curse that needed Elena as well? It didn't sound like he was talking about this one and I highly doubted that there would be more than one curse with a Doppelgänger as the key ingredient.

Damon nodded "Yeah. It's said that if vampires break the curse then they won't burn in the sunlight, if werewolves break it, then they don't have to turn. The moonstone is part of the ritual as well."

"Huh," I blinked. Now I definitely had to talk to Maddox about this. Something was just not adding up "Sorry to cut this short, Damon but I have to go."

"Wait," the vampire called out, stopping me in my tracks "There's something... Can you come over to the Boarding House later? The girl – Rose – she was bitten by a werewolf last night. Is there any possibility you could maybe look at her? See if you can heal her?"

I closed my eyes for a moment "Yeah, yeah," I nodded "I can try. Rose, her name was?"

"Yes. And Angel?" Damon smiled "Thank you for trying."

I walked back over to him and hugged him "You're my brother, Day."

When I was out of the building, I pulled out my phone 'Need to talk to you. Will come to Mrs. Flowers' Boarding House. ASAP.' It only took me ten minutes for me to reach the place Nik's warlock was staying and with only a quick hello to Mrs. Flowers, I jogged up the stairs to the room I knew Maddox would be in.

"Come in," he called as soon as I knocked. I opened the door to see him lounging on the bed, looking at me curiously "Not that I'm not happy to see you again, Angel. What is this about?"

I closed the door behind me "You know, I heard something curious today. Something that doesn't quite add up."

"And what would that be?" the warlock raised an eyebrow, putting his phone down on the bedside table.

"Nik told me about some kind of curse that he needs a Doppelgänger for," I started, watching his face closely "For some funny reason, Elijah – Nik's brother – is here and he had something to do with my sister's kidnapping. Bit of a weird coincidence, no? Then I hear about this evil Klaus guy as well..."

Maddox sat up and stared at me wide-eyed "What do you want from me?"

"I just want to know what's going on," I sighed, running a hand through my hair "I know it has something to do with Nik but I don't know what."

"Oh, he's going to kill me for this," the warlock groaned, running a hand through his hair.

I snorted "He hasn't killed you for the failed spy operation... Why would he do so now?"

Maddox sighed "Nik... Nik is Klaus. His full name is Niklaus."

"What?" I murmured "So, wait. Nik – my Nik – is supposed to be the Klaus who everyone is afraid of?"


I tilted my head "Why exactly does he need my sister? I don't believe this Sun and the Moon shit."

"Has anyone ever told you that you're way too smart?" Maddox questioned, looking up at me "Klaus is a Hybrid. His mother put a curse on him shortly after him and his siblings were turned into vampires. It put a lock on his werewolf side and he wants to get rid of it. Klaus' mother used the former Doppelgänger's blood to bind the curse. That's why he needs your sister."

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