1x02 Night of the Comet

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The third day of school and already Jenna was being dictated to the school by Tanner. I wasn't sure why exactly but I think that it had to do with both Jeremy and me. That man was an asshole and made sure that everyone knew.

"Do I look adult?" Jenna demanded, seeming extremely jittery "As in respectfully parental?"

I turned my head to look at her "Depends. For Tanner? I don't think you have to try. He's going to fuck you over either way."

Jenna gasped in mock shock "Did you just curse on me, Missy?"

"Maybe," I giggle "But seriously. Just leave your hair down. I'm going for a run with Jay, is that okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Be careful though," she warned "And don't forget to go to school. I'll drop your portfolio off with your Art teacher."

I walked forward and hugged her "Thanks. I don't want to ruin it by accidentally dropping it."

"That's something I can see you doing," she teased, nudging me towards the door "Off you go then."

"Bye, Aunt Jenna," I smiled and called for both Jay and Blue.

It was a few hours later that I was sitting in History class again, zoning out. Tanner was babbling on about the comet and its history. I understand that he's my teacher but did he honestly have to be a dick all the time? Before I even sat down, he already started going on about me and my brother. He went on about how I didn't respect him as an authority figure because I talked back to him. Honestly? Why should I respect someone like that? He was a bully and really reminded me of Professor Snape, though Tanner didn't even have a good reason to put me down. It was just fun to him, a game. Picking on the one PTSD student who already had enough problems without him adding to them.

After classes today, I met up with Ms. Nelson who was looking through my selected artwork "Angel," she greeted with a smile "Your aunt just dropped this off."

"Yeah. I didn't want to accidentally ruin anything. I went jogging with Jeremy this morning," I explained.

"That's perfectly alright. May I ask... what is she doing here?" my Art teacher frowned.

I shrugged "Mr. Tanner wanted to rant to her about me and Jeremy. He went off at me in class earlier as well."

"That man," she muttered "I really don't know what is going through his mind." Ms. Nelson studied several of my paintings closer "These are really good. I will send this to my friend and I will tell you as soon as I hear anything back."

A small smile lit up on my face. These drawings and paintings were me, one hundred percent and the fact that she liked them was nice. I usually painted what I felt and as such, some of the artworks were a bit darker or more mysterious but that was the charm of it, right? "Thank you, ma'am." I walked out of the classroom and saw my aunt already waiting for me. She looked flustered and kind of downtrodden "What happened?"

She snorted "You're right. That guy is an ass. He told me that I had to take a firmer hand with you and that I should consider transferring the guardianship to someone else."

"What?" I exclaimed, making Blue bump my leg gently "Don't listen to him, Aunt Jenna. You're doing great... It's a new situation for all of us."

She wrapped one of her arms around my shoulders "Thank you. Hey, did you know that Jeremy was missing classes?"

I shifted a bit "Yeah. He was with the nurse most of the time, said he hadn't been feeling well for a few days. Why?"

"Just Mr. Tanner, I guess," she sighed "Never mind. How about Tacos for dinner?"

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