2x06 Plan B

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"Are you going to the Boarding House?" Jeremy questioned, coming into my room the day before the Masquerade Ball. I had been awake for a few hours already... It was all Elena's fault. Well, hers and Stefan's. They were way too loud and I once I put up a Silencing Spell, I wasn't able to go back to sleep, so I started painting. I had to finish some things anyway. The new batch of paintings had to be in New York by next week, so I still had a few days to finish the ideas I had.

I looked over at my brother with a raised eyebrow "Yeah, why?"

"Because I want to help," Jay said, flopping down on my bed "Plus, I'm kind of bored without Anna here."

"When is she coming back?" I asked, putting down the brush I was holding.

Jeremy shrugged "No idea. She's with her mom and Uncle John. I doubt he will stay away for too long."

"True," I snorted "As long as he gets off my case concerning Nik, I don't necessarily care if he comes back."

"Who is he anyway?" Jay smirked "I don't believe that he's 'just someone you met'."

I hit him over the back of the head "Hey. I did actually meet him in New York. We got along, texted and spoke occasionally."

"And now you're going back to him," my younger brother pointed out "You're staying with him next week, aren't you?"

I shrugged "Probably. Beats getting a hotel."

"Just... answer me one thing," he murmured, looking up at me seriously "Do you like him?"

"I – I... I think so," I murmured "I mean, I like him and he is someone I feel comfortable with. It's just... I've never really been in a relationship before."

Jeremy hummed "I keep forgetting that you're technically older than sixteen. At least you have someone who you feel comfortable with... There's no boy in this town who I would like to see you with. They are too..."

"I get it," I interrupted "Really, I do. Thanks, Jay. I love you, brother." I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into his side. The lack of sleep was catching up on me but I fought to stay awake nevertheless.

A knock on the door heralded the arrival of Aunt Jenna "Hey, you two. Anyone up to helping with the preparations of the Masquerade?"

I raised an eyebrow at her "Hey, I'll be at the stupid thing."

"True enough," Aunt Jenna shrugged before looking at my baby brother "I won't even bother asking you. Oh, how did you sleep anyway?"

"Not good," I grumbled.

Jeremy frowned and looked from our aunt to me "Why? What happened?"

I snorted "I forgot that you sleep with headphones... Elena and Stefan kept me up. Trust me... They were loud."

"They stopped after a while," Jenna pointed out.

"Only because I used magicked Elena's room silent," I spoke up "Couldn't sleep after that though."

Jenna smirked at me and studied the painting on the easel "That looks good. For the Art show?"

"You know it," I nodded "Shouldn't you go now?"

"Dammit," our aunt cursed "How are you so good at this?" She whirled around, leaving Jeremy and me laughing on my bed. It's so typical for Aunt Jenna to forget the time.

My brother and I slowly calmed down and after a few moments of silence, Jay smiled "I love you too, Tiny. Now, enough mushiness. Let's get going."

"Fine, fine," I huffed, rising from the bed slowly "I just have to... You know what?" I waved my hand, cleaning the paint away with magic and cleaned the brushed at the same time "Done. Let's go."

Jay whistled "I'll never get used to that..."

Half an hour later, Jeremy and I walked into the Boarding House with Alaric "Ric," Damon greeted with a small smile "Jeremy. Angel."

I walked over and hugged the vampire tightly "How's Liz doing?"

"Not too good," the vampire sighed "She still won't talk to Caroline."

"Doesn't surprise me. She's not known to be... Never mind." I shook my head, sitting down on one of the couches.

Damon hummed, digging through the box Alaric had set down on the coffee table "What you got?"

"This is Isobel's research from Duke," the History teacher pointed out "Her assistant sent it to me."

"Hmm," the older Salvatore brother grunted, leafing through a book "Vanessa. The hottie."

Alaric snatched the book from Damon's hands "Vanessa, yes. Now, do you remember the old Aztec curse she told us about?"

"Sun and the moon, blah blah blah," the vampire rolled his eyes in annoyance.

I lifted my head and exchanged an intrigued glance with my younger brother "An Aztec curse?"

"Yeah," Alaric nodded "Supposedly vampires and werewolves used to roam freely until a shaman put a curse on them to limit their power. Since then, werewolves can only turn on a full moon and vampires are weakened by the sun."

Damon wiggled his fingers, showing off his daylight ring "Most of them, anyway."

"According to the legend, the werewolf part of the curse is sealed with the moonstone," Alaric continued, handing over a map. I looked over my brother's shoulder at the drawings that were showing the story of the Sun and the Moon curse.

"What a load of shit," I mumbled. I pulled the moonstone from my pocket and held it into the light "This little thing does bind something. A curse if I'm right but... What you're saying. The scroll. It makes no sense at all."

Damon frowned at me "Why?"

"Because it doesn't," I gestured "Why would there be the possibility of a daylight ring? Werewolves and vampire have been enemies for ages. It would be a pretty smart move to... Oh!" I straightened up, looking at the others "Whatever curse is on the stone... The people who want to break it possibly drew these things. Think about it. If you want to get your hands on a moonstone and a Doppelgänger then what better way to have two whole species on the lookout?"

Alaric blinked at me "Where did you get all that logical thinking from?"

I shrugged "No idea. But it makes sense, right?"

"Yeah," Damon nodded "Hey since this mentions werewolf bites. Do you know anything about that?"

"Nothing specific," I murmured "The venom shouldn't harm humans but a vampire is a different story. If this says that werewolf bite is fatal to a vampire then I would believe it."

Damon drained the last of his drink and closed the book tightly "Well, let's go and tell the others."

"You go ahead," I waved "I don't feel like being judged today. I'll go and finish some things and then I'll be at the Grill."

Jeremy drew me into a quick hug "I'll join you later, sis."

I ruffled his hair "Sure. I'll see you, guys."

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