New York: The Sequel Part Two

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I was already at the Art show with Nik when my phone rang. It was around nine in the morning and the Art show started at eleven. Since Robert wanted to see me beforehand to talk about some things, we left earlier. It turned out to be a bit too early though... "Jeremy?" I questioned, glancing at Nik "What's wrong?"

"Elena's been kidnapped," my younger brother rushed out "She back now though. Stefan and Damon went after her."

I fell back into the chair "Wait... That means that she was taken after the Masquerade? I thought she wasn't there?"

"After the Masquerade. She went because she wanted to know what was going on... And then we found out that Katherine linked herself to Elena. Let's just say that the bitch is in the tomb and Elena safe now," Jeremy explained.

"Great," I sighed "I'm guessing Bonnie located her? That was a pretty amazing piece of magic..." I paused for a moment "Did I really just say that?"

Jeremy laughed "I can't quite believe it either. Damon's here now. Hold on."

"Angel? Did the flight go alright?" Damon's voice came through the phone.

"It did," I smiled lightly "So, about my dear sister... Who took her?"

The vampire sighed "We'll talk about it once you're back next week. Don't worry about it. Enjoy your time in New York with Nik."

I blushed at his teasing and didn't dare look at the chuckling man in front of me "Shut up, Damon."

"You wound me, missy," he groaned in mock pain "But seriously. Enjoy the time away from all this shit. Be safe."

"You too," I gave back "And be careful. Try not to die." I hung up the phone and rubbed my temples "Typical," I sighed.

Nik still had a smirk on his face but there was an underlying expression of concern "Who's Elena?"

"My sister," I told him "Well, adopted sister. I told you that we don't really get along too great but... She tends to get into a lot of trouble."

"And you resent that?"

I shook my head "No. I don't care as long as she leaves me alone which she never does. Listen, can we talk about something else?"

"Sure," the vampire nodded and pulled out his phone "There's always the choice of freaking out Maddox?"

I snorted "You're horrible. Why not leave the poor man alone? It's not as if he didn't already freak out enough when I walked up to him."

"Well, he deserves it," Nik pointed out "I thought he would have been sneakier."

"Angel," a familiar voice called from behind me.

I whirled around and smiled "Robert," I greeted "It's nice to see you again."

"Same to you," he replied, shaking my hand enthusiastically "Mr. Mikaelson." Nik nodded quietly, his hand resting on my lower back gently "Now, I hope you're ready because I have some good news for you."


Robert nodded "There are quite a few of your paintings already sold. You gave me... How many was it again?"

"Forty," I supplied, tilting my head.

"Right, right... Erm, hold on." The man looked down at his tablet "So, we have half of those already sold and I imagine that either all of them are gone by the end of the week or we have a few leftovers. The themes of your art seems to be a real hit. For now, we're looking at a... seven-figure sum."

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