1x12 Unpleasantville

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I've been out of the hospital for not even a day now. It was weird... waking up to the beeping of the heart monitor, being told that you were in an almost coma for three days. God, I had been unconscious for three days just because of that asshole vampire. This definitely brought it home to me that I had to start working on my magic and to be able to protect myself. None of this would have happened if I hadn't been so stupid.

Aunt Jenna had barely left my side when I was still in the hospital and even Jeremy spent a lot of time with me. My brother told me about a girl he met in the library while researching for the paper Mr. Saltzman gave him. Anna, she was weird –according to Jeremy at least. He talked about her like she was the only girl in the world and I'd really be happy for him if it worked out. Jay deserved some happiness after everything that happened recently.

After I had woke up, the doctors kept me in for observation. The day I got out was the evening before the 50's dance at school. Although they made it clear that I wasn't allowed to go back to school for another week at least. I lost a lot of blood from the shot wounds and the fever that I developed from lying around for several hours didn't help either.

At the moment, I was lying in the living room, watching the Pilot of Supernatural. While I had watched it before, I really liked starting over again... The show was awesome. Aunt Jenna had made sure that I had everything I needed before she left to chaperone the dance. At least now I had a reason not to go and fight my way through a crowd.

"Spoke to the insurance company," Jenna told Elena who had just entered the room "Car's totaled. You can keep using mine for now."

"So you're coming to the dance?" my sister questioned, throwing me a distasteful look. She thought that I was playing up what happened to me. Not like she was kidnapped by a psychotic vampire and shot repeatedly with wooden bullets. After she found out that she was adopted, Elena became even more of a bitch. Apparently, I was supposed to pity her because she didn't know her real parents and mom and dad lied to her. It was ridiculous. She should be fucking glad that she grew up in a loving home.

Aunt Jenna smiled "Alaric asked me to help chaperone and Angel is alright on her own for a while."

I barely withheld the snort. Admiring from afar indeed. That didn't even last a day and Aunt Jenna was already falling head over heels in love with the History teacher.

"Why didn't you tell me, Jenna?" Elena spat, glaring at our aunt accusingly.

Jenna started a bit at the other girl's tone and the sudden change of topic "Your mom was going to do it eventually. I never thought I'd have to."

"If my mom were here right now and I asked, she'd tell me the truth," my sister pointed out, a smug smile on her face.

I rolled my eyes, pausing the show with the press of a button "Don't be a bitch, Elena. This can't be exactly easy for Aunt Jenna either."

"Angel," Jenna scolded lightly, turning back to my sister "Your dad was about to leave the office one night when this girl showed up. She was sixteen, a runaway, and about to give birth. He delivered her baby, and he gave her a place to stay, but a few days later, she disappeared. And there you were. Your parents were trying so hard to have a baby. I – it just wasn't happening. All Miranda ever wanted was to be a mom."

Elena squinted her eyes at the older woman "Well, why were my parents' names on the birth certificate?" God, she could get on people's nerves. I understand that she's hurt that they kept it from her, it didn't excuse treating other people – especially family – like shit. Over the last few days, Jenna had been down because Elena completely ignored her. Even Jeremy – who hadn't known about the adoption before – seemed a bit down because of the mood the other girl spread around the house.

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