1x06 Lost Girls

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It was several days after I collected Hero from Laura when I heard loud voices from Elena's room. I was supposed to meet Ms. Nelson at the Grill tomorrow morning. She told me that she got an answer from her friend about my paintings yesterday. I wasn't sure what to think about it though... Did I want him to like my art or was I happy with the way it was at the moment? It would actually be pretty neat if they were interested...

"All those animal attacks, those people who died..." my sister shouted, sounding terrified. Well, it seemed as if she finally found out what the Salvatores were. It took her longer than I thought considering she's dating one of them.

"That was Damon," Stefan defended himself.

I could practically see Elena's frown "Damon?"

"Yes. I don't drink human blood," the vampire told her. The only reason I could hear them was because I was standing right under the open window to her room... I didn't really make a habit of eavesdropping on people if it's not important "That's not how I choose to survive but Damon does. I'll explain everything to you but I beg you, Elena, do not tell anybody."

"How can you ask me that?" she demanded.

Stefan sighed "Because you know this is dangerous for so many reasons. You can hate me but I need you to trust me." That was a bit of an oxymoron. I wouldn't trust anyone I hated... It would be like saying that I trusted Voldemort or Uncle Vernon or even Dumbledore. The thought alone was incredibly amusing.

"Just go," Elena sighed "Just go, please. Go. If you mean me no harm, then you'll go."

"I never wanted this," the vampire told her sincerely, climbing out of the window above me.

Just as he wanted to run off, I stepped forward "She'll come around, you know."

"Angel? You heard?"

I smiled lightly "I knew actually and Damon confirmed it before he killed Tanner. Just know that I won't tell anyone and Jay won't either."

Stefan blinked in confusion "Jeremy knows as well?"

"Our Uncle John is part of the council. He and dad told us stories about vampires and everything when we were children. They were a bit too insistent for it to be fake," I shrugged.

Stefan sighed and ran a hand through his hair "You should go back into the house. Make sure that your brother stays inside as well. Damon is out there and I don't want you to get hurt."

"I can take care of myself, thank you very much," I told him but turned to the door nevertheless. I had promised Jay that I would tell him some more about my old life anyway. So far I had only really gotten through my childhood and my First Year at Hogwarts. It was a bit easier since he read the books as well but since there were quite some differences it took us a while to get through "Goodnight, Stefan." I stepped through the glass door and into the living room.

Half an hour later, Jeremy and I were up in his room. I put up a silencing charm and now we were curled up on his bed with both Blue and Hero to keep us company. The two dogs got along pretty well. There was a bit of jealousy when I started taking Hero with me when I went out but as soon as he saw that we were still giving him attention, Blue calmed down.

"So, what happened in your Second Year?" Jay questioned.

I thought back for a moment and sighed "Well, after the stay at the Dursleys – which ended with me locked into a room for almost a month with the bare minimum of food – I stayed at the Weasleys' until school started. It was there when I noticed that Ron was only in it for the money. He was talking to his little sister about her getting her own share once she befriends me." I went on about explaining what happened with the Chamber of Secrets and Lockhart.

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